Error: running Copytree.C in the ROOT 6.11/01


I try to run the macro [copytree.C]( in ROOT 6.11/01



sudo apt install git dpkg-dev make g++ gcc 
binutils libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxft-dev libxext-dev 
gfortran libssl-dev libpcre3-dev xlibmesa-glu-dev 
libglew1.5-dev libftgl-dev libmysqlclient-dev 
libfftw3-dev cfitsio-dev graphviz-dev 
libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libldap2-dev 
python-dev libxml2-dev 
libkrb5-dev libgsl0-dev libqt4-dev ccache

sudo mkdir /opt/root6
sudo chown andre /opt/root6
cd /opt/root6
git clone root6_src
cmake -DPYTHIA8_DIR=/home/andre/Documents/pythia_root/pythia8 
-Dpythia8=ON -Droofit=ON -Dhttp=ON -Dccache=ON 
-Dcling=ON /opt/root6/root6_src/

make -j4

 gedit ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc 
source /opt/root6/bin/

$ root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.11/01            |
  |                                    (c) 1995-2017, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc                                         |
  | From heads/master@v6-09-02-1265-g778aaea, Jun 11 2017, 12:32:00 |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'      |

root [0]


gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4)

First, In the folder $ROOTSYS/test/
to created :

$ make

root@andre-QBEX-H61H2-M17:/opt/root6/test# make
Generating dictionary EventDict.cxx...
rootcling -f EventDict.cxx -c Event.h EventLinkDef.h
make: rootcling: Command not found
Makefile:764: recipe for target 'EventDict.cxx' failed
make: *** [EventDict.cxx] Error 127

Someone have some ideia to fix this?

Thanks for the help!

If the rootcling binary is not found, your compilation may have failed before finishing, but we need more information to find out if that’s the case. Can you provide the output of ls $ROOTSYS/bin here? Thanks.

Hi, amadio


andre@andre-QBEX-H61H2-M17:/opt/root6/bin$ ls
afterimage-config  lzfgrep             rootbrowse         rootprint     xz
afterimage-libs    lzgrep              rootcint           rootrm        xzcat
g2root             lzless              rootcling          roots         xzcmp
genreflex          lzma                root-config        roots.exe     xzdec
h2root             lzmadec             rootcp             rootslimtree  xzdiff
hadd               lzmainfo            rootd              setxrd.csh    xzegrep
hist2workspace     lzmore              rootdrawtree     xzfgrep
lz4                memprobe            rooteventselector  ssh2rpd       xzgrep
lz4c               pq2                 root.exe           thisroot.csh  xzless
lz4cat             prepareHistFactory  rootls      xzmore
lzcat              proofserv           rootmkdir          unlz4
lzcmp              proofserv.exe       rootmv             unlzma
lzdiff             rmkdepend           rootnb.exe         unxz
lzegrep            root                rootn.exe          xpdtest


Thank you. Did you do source bin/ after compiling everything? It seems strange that you don’t find rootcling in your $PATH. Is $ROOTSYS in your $PATH? That should have been taken care of by the script.

Yes, I did this way in the bashrc:

export PYTHIA8=/home/andre/Documents/pythia_root/pythia8
export PYTHIA8DATA=$PYTHIA8/xmldoc
export ROOTSYS=/home/andre/Documents/pythia_root/pythia8
export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH

export PATH=/opt/root6/bin:$PATH
source /opt/root6/bin/

If you are using ROOT from /opt/root6/, then your ROOTSYS variable is pointing to the wrong location (in your home directory). That may be the cause of the failure you see.

Hi, amadio.

If you are using ROOT from /opt/root6/, then your ROOTSYS variable is pointing to the wrong location (in your home directory). That may be the cause of the failure you see.

Yes, I changed the ROOTSYS variable and now the program is working well!

Thanks you for help!

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