Error related to .csh file

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to run a .csh file(attached) in Linux.
I don’t know why I am facing the error of
set: Variable name must begin with a letter.

Please suggest to me how I resolve this error.

Thank you!



there is no attachment.



#source /home/priyanka/ .conenv.csh

set nrandom = `date '+%d%H%M%S'` + $1

echo "welcome hf.process.csh"
#echo "please input the directory where the system can find your code:"
#set inDir=$<
set inDir=/home/priyanka/AMPT/
mkdir /home/priyanka/AMPT/data
set outDir=/home/priyanka/AMPT/data
cp -r $inDir/Ampt-v1.26t9b-v2.26t9b $outDir
cd $outDir/Ampt-v1.26t9b-v2.26t9b/exec $nrandom

cd $outDir
set EXEH=$inDir/CreateTreePbtrial/bin/analysis
$EXEH $outDir/Ampt-v1.26t9b-v2.26t9b/ana/ampt.dat $outDir/amptmillion_output.root

cp $outDir/Ampt-v1.26t9b-v2.26t9b/ana/*.dat $outDir

if ($1 > 0) then
   rm -rf $outDir/Ampt-v1.26t9b-v2.26t9b

This line is a bit unusual:

What is it supposed to do exactly? I don’t think multiple arguments are allowed to be passed to cd

Thanks, I commented on this line but still, it shows the same error.
set: variable name must begin with a letter.

This is unrelated to ROOT.
Find a “C shell” tutorial and / or manual.

set nrandom="`date '+%d%H%M%S'`$1"
