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ROOT Version: 6.24/08 & 6.26/02
Platform: ROOT C++ & PyROOT python 3.*
Compiler: Not Provided
Hi experts,
I read a root file by RDF in C++ & python, and then an error was reported.
here is the error in 6.26/02:
Error in <TTreeReaderValueBase::CreateProxy()>: The branch TQ_charge contains data of type Float16_t, which does not have a dictionary.
Error in <TRint::HandleTermInput()>: std::runtime_error caught: An error was encountered while processing the data. TTreeReader status code is: 6
and in ROOT 6.24/08
Error in <TTreeReaderArrayBase::GetBranchContentDataType()>: The branch chIndex was created using a leaf list and cannot be represented as a C++ type. Please access one of its siblings using a TTreeReaderArray:
Error in <TTreeReaderArrayBase::GetBranchContentDataType()>: chIndex.inDex
Error in <TTreeReaderArrayBase::CreateContentProxy()>: Cannot determine the type contained in the collection of branch chIndex. That's weird - please report!
Error in <TRint::HandleTermInput()>: std::runtime_error caught: An error was encountered while processing the data. TTreeReader status code is: 6
if I use the “tree->Scan()” or “tree->Show(0)” , I can see the data. here is my code:
root test.root
root [0]
Attaching file test.root as _file0...
root [1] ROOT::RDataFrame d(*fadc_prototype)
(ROOT::RDataFrame &) A data frame built on top of the fadc_prototype dataset.
root [2] d.Display()->Print()
And “RDF.Display().Print()” in the pyroot raise the same error.
Thanks for any help!!