Error read by RDF

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ROOT Version: 6.24/08 & 6.26/02
Platform: ROOT C++ & PyROOT python 3.*
Compiler: Not Provided

Hi experts,
I read a root file by RDF in C++ & python, and then an error was reported.
here is the error in 6.26/02:

Error in <TTreeReaderValueBase::CreateProxy()>: The branch TQ_charge contains data of type Float16_t, which does not have a dictionary.
Error in <TRint::HandleTermInput()>: std::runtime_error caught: An error was encountered while processing the data. TTreeReader status code is: 6

and in ROOT 6.24/08

Error in <TTreeReaderArrayBase::GetBranchContentDataType()>: The branch chIndex was created using a leaf list and cannot be represented as a C++ type. Please access one of its siblings using a TTreeReaderArray:
Error in <TTreeReaderArrayBase::GetBranchContentDataType()>:    chIndex.inDex
Error in <TTreeReaderArrayBase::CreateContentProxy()>: Cannot determine the type contained in the collection of branch chIndex. That's weird - please report!
Error in <TRint::HandleTermInput()>: std::runtime_error caught: An error was encountered while processing the data. TTreeReader status code is: 6

if I use the “tree->Scan()” or “tree->Show(0)” , I can see the data. here is my code:

root test.root
root [0] 
Attaching file test.root as _file0...
root [1] ROOT::RDataFrame d(*fadc_prototype)
(ROOT::RDataFrame &) A data frame built on top of the fadc_prototype dataset.
root [2] d.Display()->Print()

And “RDF.Display().Print()” in the pyroot raise the same error.
Thanks for any help!!

Dear Shiqiang,

Thanks for this first post and welcome to ROOT!
This should work (see here) in the ROOT 6.28 and 6.30 release cycles: is it possible that you try this out with a recent ROOT version?


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Thanks for that , I will try to update the root version.

Thanks, let us know how it goes!

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