Error R__unzip_header

Dear experts,
I made a root file (1) with TMVA (DNN) on a special computer with CUDA and root 6.15/01. when I open that root file on that same computer all is ok. But when I try to open it on another machine (without CUDA with root 6.10/04) I have this error message (2). Is it due to the root version? Can you open it from your side on a normal machine (without CUDA) with root 6.15/01 for ex?


Error R__unzip_header: error in header
Info in TFile::GetStreamerInfoList: cannot find the StreamerInfo record in file ttw_mc16a.root
(TFile *) nullptr


I tryed with latest master for the file that you kindly provided us and it works for the 6.15/01 and for example, for 6.10.08 (these releases have enabled the support of LZ4 compression algorithm and ROOT 6.15/01 is compressing files already using LZ4 as default compression, unless you will specify other algorithm to be used), but in the same time I am getting the same error as you for 6.10.04.

The reason is that 6.10.04 was a last release before 6.10.08 when ROOT was didn’t have even LZ4 support (

oksana@oksana-ThinkPad-E470:~/CERN_sources/root/builds$ root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.15/01              |
  |                                      (c) 1995-2018, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc                                           |
  | From heads/master@v6-13-04-272-g5a9eff4f9a, Jun 04 2018, 19:22:52 |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'        |

root [0] TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("~/Downloads/ttw_mc16a.root")
(TFile *) 0x5578a9b78860
oksana@oksana-ThinkPad-E470:~/CERN_sources/root/builds$ root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.10/08       |
  |                               (c) 1995-2017, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc                                    |
  | From tag v6-10-08, 16 October 2017                         |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |

root [0] TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("~/Downloads/ttw_mc16a.root")
Warning in <TClass::Init>: no dictionary for class ROOT::TIOFeatures is available
(TFile *) 0x21c0a50
oksana@oksana-ThinkPad-E470:~/CERN_sources/root/builds$ source /cvmfs/
oksana@oksana-ThinkPad-E470:~/CERN_sources/root/builds$ root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.10/04       |
  |                               (c) 1995-2017, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc                                    |
  | From tag v6-10-04, 28 July 2017                            |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |

root [0] TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("~/Downloads/ttw_mc16a.root")
Error R__unzip_header: error in header
Info in <TFile::GetStreamerInfoList>: cannot find the StreamerInfo record in file /home/oksana/Downloads/ttw_mc16a.root
(TFile *) nullptr

My recommendations is to try to update a version of ROOT to be able to use at least 6.10.08.


1 Like

Dear Oksana,
thank you, it help!

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