Error message in .L loading a .C macro

ROOT Version: 6.24/06
Platform:_ MacOS BigSur 11.6

I have a .C macro that I want to load into root. I have previously used this macro with root on my previous ubuntu pc.

I get the error message:

root [4] .L …/Script_Folder/Fit.C

IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZNSt3__1L7forwardIRNS_9allocatorIdEEEEOT_RNS_16remove_referenceIS4_E4typeE’ unresolved while linking function ‘_GLOBAL__sub_I_cling_module_166’!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::allocator& std::__1::forward<std::__1::allocator&>(std::__1::remove_reference<std::__1::allocator&>::type&)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?

I have installed cling via home-brew thinking that this may have been missing, but the issue has persisted.

Unsure what else needs to be done to allow the mac to load this script in root?


Welcome to the ROOT Forum! Maybe @Axel knows what could be the issue

Hi Katie,

That’s bizarre and very likely a bug on our side. Any chance that you could share Script_Folder/Fit.C, or (even better) a minimal version of that which still reproduces the error?

Cheers, Axel.

Thank-you for responding to my issue. I worked out today what was causing this issue. In main script I use to process the root data had already in built a step in the process to load in the C script ".L Script_Folder/Fit.C ".
On ubuntu (with root version 6.14/00) I still had to reload the macro in the root terminal in order to use it. However, on my Mac (with root 6.24/06) this reloading of the script via the root terminal (which was technically already loaded in the main analysis script) caused this bug to crop up.

Think I saw a similar issue on another thread, where re-loading macros had caused this kind of bug.

Ha okay indeed - I should have thought of that :frowning: Thanks for posting your findings! (And yes, we need to fix those reloading issues.)

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