Trying to build link my software (happens to be garfield) against ROOT taken from a binary distribution (https://root.cern/download/root_v6.16.00.Linux-ubuntu16-x86_64-gcc5.4.tar.gz), I get the following:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/mnt/build/ws/BUILDTYPE/Release/LABEL/ROOT-ubuntu16/build/lib/libtbb.so', needed by 'lib/libGarfield.so.0.2.0'. Stop.
The origin of which is the following entry in the ROOT binary distribution:
./cmake/ROOTConfig-targets.cmake: INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "ROOT::Core;ROOT::Thread;/mnt/build/ws/BUILDTYPE/Release/LABEL/ROOT-ubuntu16/build/lib/libtbb.so
I think I managed to work around the problem, by editing the so many makefiles produced by my cmake (or so I think: I haven’t checked execution-time behaviour).
…But what is the recommended procedure in such a case? Would it make sense to modify the files in “./cmake” directory of the distribution, so that they do not refer to “/mnt/build/ws/BUILDTYPE/Release”? Or is there something else one can do?
ROOT Version: 6.16
Platform: ubuntu 16.04
Compiler: 5.4