Error in using makecint

i downloaded the cint-5.16.19-win32.tar and decompressed it to the D:\Cint and set the enviroment.

i entered into the d:\Cint\demo\makecint\Complex:

i typed as follows:

makecint -mk Makefile -o Complex -H Complex.h -C++ Complex.C

and it produced the Makefile succefully;

then i typed nmake /F Makefile CFG=“Complex - Win32 Release”

Makefile(6) : fatal error U1033: syntax error : ‘=’ unexpected

i read the Makefile,it seems because of the Makefile didn’t define the CINT,how to change the Makefile?

BTW, i also tried the vcsetup.bat,it also says ‘=’ unexpected.

what’s wrong?
Makefile.txt (3.06 KB)

can anyone told me how to fix it?


yes we can help you, but we also sleep sometimes, even if you flood us with personal emails, too. So here is the solution: you should call “make” not “nmake”. “make” is GNU make and is part of the cygwin tools that you can get from

Cheers, Axel.

i am sorry to trouble you.
but unfortunately,it seems error again.

BTW,there seems no detail installtion in using the cygwin to compile the root or cint.can you supply the installtion file in the next version?i think this will help lots of ppl.

also, i had roughly read the makecint.cxx, i want to try to write a vesion to generate a makefile which can used by the is unconvienent to using the cygwin.can you give me some advice?

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt/demo/makecint/Complex
$ makecint -mk Makefile -o Complex -H Complex.h -C++ Complex.C

makecint : interpreter-compiler for cint (Windows VisualC++ version)

Copyright© 1995~2007 Masaharu Goto. Mailing list:

Run ‘make -f Makefile’ to compile the object

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt/demo/makecint/Complex
$ make
-DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -TP -GR -wd4
181 -DG__CXXLINK_ON -ID:/cygwin/cint7/inc -FoG__main.obj -c G__main.cxx
make: *** No rule to make target /bin/libCint.dll', needed byComplex’. Stop.


then how can i fix it?

in the generated makefile:

CINT := $(shell which cint.exe)
CINTINCDIRU := $(shell cint-config --unix --incdir)
CINTINCDIRW := $(shell cygpath -m $(CINTINCDIRU) )
CINTLIB := $(shell cint-config --unix --bindir)/libCint.dll
CINTLIB := $(CINTLIB) $(subst libCint,libReflex,$(CINTLIB))

the “which cint.exe” print out "/cygdrive/d/cint/bin/cint.exe"
the “cint-config --unix --incdir” print out "/cint7/inc"
the “cygpath -m $(CINTINCDIRU)” print out "D:/cygwin/cint7/inc"
the “cint-config --unix --bindir”/libCint.dll equals to “/bin/libCint.dll”

but the path is error in using the cygwin.
i think there has some bug in the makecint generated makefiles.
am i right or i miss something?


what parameters did you pass to ./configure?

What do “cint-config --unix --bindir” and “cint-config --bindir” print when you run them at a cygwin prompt?

Did you set up the PATH env var, e.g. by running . from where you built CINT?

Cheers, Axel.

actually i found out that the doesn’t take effect.
it is not the fault of the cint-config.

when i type the “./” it shows nothing.
then i used “echo $CINTSYSDIR” to test if the CINTSYSDIR has set.
it response null.

so i manually set the 3 variables in the “” one by one.and then test again,and this time, “$CINTSYSDIR” shows the “/cygdrive/d/CInt”

then i type ./configure,pass no parameters
(if set the ./configure --prefix=“blablabla”,the compile progress will error)
then make

then generated 3 dirctorys,“bin”,“lib”,"include"
but the “include” dirctory is empty.there has no header file in it.

shouldn’t all the header files in the “/cygdrive/d/CInt/cint7/inc” and “/cygdrive/d/CInt/cint7/include” to be moved to the generated “include” dirctory?

type the “cint-config --unix --bindir” or the "cint-config --bindir"
it returns "/cygdrive/d/CInt/bin"
type the “cint–config --unix --incdir” or the "cint-config --indir"
it returns “/cygdrive/d/CInt/cint7/inc”

shouldn’t it return “cygdrive/d/CInt/include”?

then enter into the demo/makecint/Complex dirctory
type “makecint -mk Makefile -o Complex -H Complex.h -C++ Complex.C”
then “make -f Makefile”

and it shows this error:

$ make -f Makefile
-DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -TP -GR -wd4
181 -DG__CXXLINK_ON -Id:/CInt/cint7/inc -FoG__main.obj -c G__main.cxx
5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -FoG__setup.obj -c d:/CInt//cint7/main//G__setup.c
/cygdrive/d/CInt/bin/cint.exe -w0 -zComplex -nG__cpp_Complex.cxx -D__MAKECINT_
_ -DG__MAKECINT -c-1 -A -Id:/CInt/cint7/inc -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG
Error: cannot open file “stdio.h” Complex.h(17)
!!!Removing G__cpp_Complex.cxx G__cpp_Complex.h !!!
make: *** [G__cpp_Complex.cxx] Error 1

there’s no “stdio.h” file in the d:/CInt/cint7/inc,the “stdio.h” is located in the d:/CInt/cint7/include


I can reproduce the issue with stdlib.h. I will let you know when it’s fixed.

Cheers, Axel.


it’s fixed in the trunk. Please get a subversion client (e.g. tortoisesvn or cygwin’s) and check out CINT as stated on the CINT page.

Then in a cygwin shell build CINT: “./configure; make”

Again in a cygwin shell use CINT: . (and not “./”!); cd demo/makecint/Complex; ./setup

Cheers, Axel.

unfortnatelly,error again

Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 tools.
(If you have another version of Visual Studio or Visual C++ installed and wish
to use its tools from the command line, run vcvars32.bat for that version.)

Administrator@ZhangWei ~
$ cd /cygdrive/d/CInt/

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt
$ ./configure
Guessing architecture to be msvc7
Using new CINT core

Creating build dirs…
Writing Makefile.conf…
Writing cint7/inc/configcint.h…
Removing Apiif.cxx
Writing bin/cint-config…
Writing config.status…
Creating Makefile…
Creating reconfigure…

Run “make” to build cint.
Run “make help” to see the available build targets.

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt
$ make
echo -R -ftool/rmkdepend//cppsetup.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996
DER -DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG_
CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//
-R -ftool/rmkdepend//cppsetup.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -D
HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -
DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//cppsetup.c
cl -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN32
c -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFF
IX=".obj" -c tool/rmkdepend//cppsetup.c -Fotool/rmkdepend//cppsetup.obj
echo -R -ftool/rmkdepend//ifparser.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996
DER -DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG_
CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//
-R -ftool/rmkdepend//ifparser.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -D
HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -
DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//ifparser.c
cl -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN32
c -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFF
IX=".obj" -c tool/rmkdepend//ifparser.c -Fotool/rmkdepend//ifparser.obj
echo -R -ftool/rmkdepend//include.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996
ER -DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__
CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//i
-R -ftool/rmkdepend//include.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG
AVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -D
INCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//include.c
cl -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN32
c -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFF
IX=".obj" -c tool/rmkdepend//include.c -Fotool/rmkdepend//include.obj
echo -R -ftool/rmkdepend//main.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX
-DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CIN
TBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//main
-R -ftool/rmkdepend//main.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__R
CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINC
LUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//main.c
cl -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN32
c -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFF
IX=".obj" -c tool/rmkdepend//main.c -Fotool/rmkdepend//main.obj
echo -R -ftool/rmkdepend//parse.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -G
-DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CI
NTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//par
-R -ftool/rmkdepend//parse.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG

E_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DIN
CLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//parse.c
cl -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN32
c -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFF
IX=".obj" -c tool/rmkdepend//parse.c -Fotool/rmkdepend//parse.obj
echo -R -ftool/rmkdepend//pr.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX
G__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTB
ODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//pr.c
-R -ftool/rmkdepend//pr.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__RED
ONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINCLU
DEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFFIX=".obj" – tool/rmkdepend//pr.c
cl -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN32
c -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include" -DOBJSUFF
IX=".obj" -c tool/rmkdepend//pr.c -Fotool/rmkdepend//pr.obj
echo -R -ftool/rmkdepend//mainroot.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996
flex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DREFLEX_CINT_MERGE -DInternal=I -D__cplusplus – tool/rm
-R -ftool/rmkdepend//mainroot.d -Y -w 1000 – -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -T
WSTDHEADER -DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc
-DG__CINTBODY -DREFLEX_CINT_MERGE -DInternal=I -D__cplusplus – tool/rmkdepend/
cl -O2 -MD -G5 -nologo -wd4996 -GX -TP -GR -wd4181 -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHARED
FO -Icint7/inc -Icint7/src -Ireflex/inc -DG__CINTBODY -DREFLEX_CINT_MERGE -DInte
rnal=I -c tool/rmkdepend//mainroot.cxx -Fotool/rmkdepend//mainroot.obj
tool\rmkdepend\mainroot.cxx(40) : warning C4273: “unlink” : dll Links inconsistent
link -OPT:REF -nologo -ignore:4049 -ignore:4217 -ignore:4221 -incremental:no too
l/rmkdepend//cppsetup.obj tool/rmkdepend//ifparser.obj tool/rmkdepend//include.o
bj tool/rmkdepend//main.obj tool/rmkdepend//parse.obj tool/rmkdepend//pr.obj too
l/rmkdepend//mainroot.obj -out:tool/rmkdepend/rmkdepend.exe
link: invalid option – O
Try `link --help’ for more information.
make: *** [tool/rmkdepend/rmkdepend.exe] Error 1

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt

any response?

[quote]link: invalid option – O
Try `link --help’ for more information.
[/quote]You need to move cygwin’s link executable out of the way (mv /bin/link.exe /bin/link_cygwin.exe)


can i change the source of the makecint to let the makecint generate the makefiles that can be executed in the windows not using the cygwin?

when i execute the generated exe file,it response:

[code]Error: cannot open file “stdio.h” (0)
Error: cannot open file “bool.h” (0)
Error: cannot open file “stdfunc.dll” (0)
Error: cannot open file “stdlib.h” (0)
Error: cannot open file “string.h” (0)
Warning: Error occurred during reading source files

cint : C/C++ interpreter (mailing list ‘’)
Copyright© : 1995~2005 Masaharu Goto (
revision : 7.3.00, December 21, 2008 by M.Goto

No main() function found in given source file. Interactive interface started.
‘h’:help, ‘q’:quit, ‘{statements;}’ or ‘p [expr]’ to evaluate


i copied the libcint.dll from the bin dirctory of still the same.

but when i copy the libcint.dll from the bin dirctory of is okay.

y i can’t use the generated libcint.dll?


You would need to set CINTSYSDIR to point to the topdir of cint.

[quote]can i change the source of the makecint to let the makecint generate the makefiles that can be executed in the windows not using the cygwin? [/quote]Yes, it can be done (but might be a lot of work).


hi, i set the enviroments as you suggested.
when i try the examples in the demo/makecint
the Complex,DArray,ReadFile is okay.
but there has some wrong with other examples.


$ makecint -mk Makefile -m -I$CINTSYSDIR/cint7/inc -o UserMain -H UserMain.h -C++ UserMain.cxx
$ make
$ ./UserMain
Calling from interpreted main function
Error: Function f1(1234) is not defined in current scope  script.cxx(11)
!!! return from main() function

if i typed as the readme file suggested:

$ makecint -mk Makefile -m -I$CINTSYSDIR -o UserMain -H UserMain.h -C++ UserMain.cxx
$ make
STDHEADER -DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO  -O2 -MD  -G5 -nologo -wd4996  -GX -T
P -GR -wd4181 -FoUserMain.obj -c UserMain.cxx
UserMain.cxx(11) : fatal error C1083: can not open include file:“G__ci.h”: No such file or directory
make: *** [UserMain.obj] Error 2

BTW, i think this two lines in the UserMain.cxx

  G__init_cint("cint script.cxx");

shoule be

  G__init_cint("UserMain script.cxx");

am i right?


Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt/demo/makecint/p2f
$ makecint -mk Makefile -o p2f -I$CINTSYSDIR/cint7/include -I$CINTSYSDIR/cint7/
src -H p2f.h -C++ p2f.C
# makecint : interpreter-compiler for cint (Windows VisualC++ version)
# Copyright(c) 1995~2007 Masaharu Goto. Mailing list:
Run 'make -f Makefile' to compile the object

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt/demo/makecint/p2f
$ make
-DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO  -O2 -MD  -G5 -nologo -wd4996  -GX -TP -GR -wd4
181    -DG__CXXLINK_ON -Id:/CInt/cint7/inc -FoG__main.obj -c G__main.cxx
cl -Id:/CInt/cint7/include -Id:/CInt/cint7/src -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -D
2 -MD  -G5 -nologo -wd4996  -GX -TP -GR -wd4181 -Fop2f.obj -c p2f.C
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(21) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(22) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(24) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(25) : error C2146: Syntax error: missing ";"(in
front of“ios")
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(25) : error C2501: “ios” : Lack of storage 
class or type specifier
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(26) : warning C4081: Should enter "identifier"; 
found "else"
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(27) : error C2146: Syntax error: missing ";"(in front
of ios_base”)
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(27) : error C2378: “ios” : Re-definition; symbols
should not overloaded by the typedef
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(25) : See "ios" statement
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(28) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(30) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(31) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(33) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(34) : error C2146: Syntax error: missing ";"(in 
front of identifier "ostringstream")
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(34) : error C2501: “ostringstream” : Lack of 
storage class or type specifier
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(35) : error C2146: Syntax error: missing ";"(in 
front of identifier "istringstream”)
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(35) : error C2501: “istringstream” : Lack of 
storage class or type specifier
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(37) : warning C4081: Should enter "identifier"; found "else"
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(38) : error C2146: Syntax error: missing ";"(in
front of“ostrstream”)
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(38) : error C2378: “ostringstream” : Re-definition;
symbols should not overloaded by the typedef
        d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(34) : See "ostringstream" statement
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(39) : error C2146: Syntax error: missing ";"(in front
of "istrstream")
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(39) : error C2378: “istringstream” : Re-definition;
symbols should not overloaded by the typedef
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(35) : See "istringstream" statement
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(40) : error C2146: Syntax error: missing ";"(in 
front of identifier "strstream")
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(40) : error C2501: “strstream” : Lack of 
storage class or type specifier
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(41) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(43) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\iostream.h(45) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(8) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(9) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(11) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(20) : error C2143: Syntax error: missing ";"(in front
of “const”)
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(20) : fatal error C1004: The End of the document in an accident
make: *** [p2f.obj] Error 2

it seems all the reason is because of #pragma.


$ makecint -mk Makefile -o Stub -H Src.h -i++ Stub.h -C++ Src.C
# makecint : interpreter-compiler for cint (Windows VisualC++ version)
# Copyright(c) 1995~2007 Masaharu Goto. Mailing list:
Run 'make -f Makefile' to compile the object

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt/demo/makecint/Stub
$ make
-DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO  -O2 -MD  -G5 -nologo -wd4996  -GX -TP -GR -wd4
181    -DG__CXXLINK_ON -Id:/CInt/cint7/inc -FoG__main.obj -c G__main.cxx
5 -nologo -wd4996  -GX   -FoG__setup.obj -c d:/CInt//cint7/main//G__setup.c
 -DG__HAVE_CONFIG -DG__NOMAKEINFO  -O2 -MD  -G5 -nologo -wd4996  -GX -TP -GR -wd
4181 -FoSrc.obj -c Src.C
/cygdrive/d/CInt/bin/cint.exe  -w0 -zStub -nG__cpp_Stub.cxx  -D__MAKECINT__ -DG_
_MAKECINT  -c-1 -A -Id:/CInt/cint7/inc  -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN3
TUB Stub.h -STUB
Warning: global variable STUB_H specified in stub file. Ignored
cl -Id:/CInt/cint7/inc  -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -DG__WIN32 -DWIN32 -D_WIN
996  -GX -TP -GR -wd4181    -c G__cpp_Stub.cxx
link  -OPT:REF -nologo -ignore:4049 -ignore:4217 -ignore:4221 -incremental:no -o
ut:Stub G__main.obj  G__cpp_Stub.obj  Src.obj  G__setup.obj -LIBPATH:"d:/CInt/li
b" libCint.lib  libReflex.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
   creating Stub.lib and Stub.exp
G__cpp_Stub.obj : error LNK2001: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: virtual int __thisc
all StubBase::disp(void)" (?disp@StubBase@@UAEHXZ)
Src.obj : error LNK2001: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: virtual int __thiscall Stub
Base::disp(void)" (?disp@StubBase@@UAEHXZ)
G__cpp_Stub.obj : error LNK2019: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: short __thiscall St
ubBase::set(short)" (?set@StubBase@@QAEFF@Z) ,this symbol is referenced in "public: __thiscall
StubBase::StubBase(short)" (??0StubBase@@QAE@F@Z)
Src.obj : error LNK2001: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: short __thiscall StubBase::
set(short)" (?set@StubBase@@QAEFF@Z)
G__cpp_Stub.obj : error LNK2001: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: virtual int __thisc
all StubClass::disp(void)" (?disp@StubClass@@UAEHXZ)
Src.obj : error LNK2001: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: virtual int __thiscall Stub
Class::disp(void)" (?disp@StubClass@@UAEHXZ)
G__cpp_Stub.obj : error LNK2019: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: double __thiscall S
tubClass::set(int,double)" (?set@StubClass@@QAENHN@Z) ,this symbol is referenced in  "public: __
thiscall StubClass::StubClass(int,double)" (??0StubClass@@QAE@HN@Z)
Src.obj : error LNK2001: Unable to resolve external symbols "public: double __thiscall StubClass
::set(int,double)" (?set@StubClass@@QAENHN@Z)
Stub : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved the external command
make: *** [Stub] Error 96


$ makecint.exe -mk makeeh -dl eh.dll -H eh.h -I$CINTSYSDIR/cint7/include
# makecint : interpreter-compiler for cint (Windows VisualC++ version)
# Copyright(c) 1995~2007 Masaharu Goto. Mailing list:
Run 'make -f makeeh' to compile the object

Administrator@ZhangWei /cygdrive/d/CInt/demo/makecint/exception
$ make -f makeeh
cl -Id:/CInt/cint7/inc -Id:/CInt/cint7/include -DG__REDIRECTIO -DG__SHAREDLIB -D
2 -MD  -G5 -nologo -wd4996  -GX -TP -GR -wd4181    -c G__cpp_eh.cxx
d:/CInt\cint7\include\stdio.h(4) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\stdio.h(11) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\stdio.h(12) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(8) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(9) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(11) : warning C4068: Unknown Miscellaneous Notes
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(20) : error C2143: synax error :  missing ";"(in front
of “const”)
d:/CInt\cint7\include\bool.h(20) : fatal error C1004: The End of the document in an accident
make: *** [G__cpp_eh.obj] Error 2

the same reson,the pragma.

finally,i am still a litttle confused about all the system:

the cint is a intepreter,and makecint is a special compiler,its output is an interpreter,
makecint can link the obj files/lib/dll/c/cxx into the cint to output a newer cint.

makecint had linked lots of libs into cint,so there has root,am i right?

then if i want to produce my own root-like system,how could i do?
use rootcint?

then what’s the difference of cint7/inc and cint7/include?

[quote]then what’s the difference of cint7/inc and cint7/include?[/quote]cint7/inc contains the header file that are needed for C++ compiled code to be able to use the CINT api directly.
cint7/include contains headers that the interpreter needs to bootstrap itself.



[quote]then if i want to produce my own root-like system,how could i do?
use rootcint?[/quote]If you are using ROOT, you ought to use rootcint. If you are NOT using ROOT, do not use rootcint (the dictionary generated by rootcint requires the use of the ROOT libraries).


[quote]the cint is a intepreter,and makecint is a special compiler,its output is an interpreter,
makecint can link the obj files/lib/dll/c/cxx into the cint to output a newer cint. [/quote]Somewhat … technically makecint is a Makefile generator. The Makefile produced can (depending on the options to makecint) generate a library or an executable. The main interest of makecint is that it generates for you the ‘cint’ command that will generate the dictionary.


[quote]makecint had linked lots of libs into cint,so there has root,am i right? [/quote]I unfortunately do not understand the question …


The instructions were not up to date (they have been updated in svn). You manual correction was correct. However I can not reproduce the failure (f1(1234) is not defined in current scope) you saw.


The setup script was not up to date (it has been corrected in svn). Your correction was not correct (you need /inc and not /include).


The setup script was correct but the code (eh.h) was incorrect and has been fixed. (In your correction you need to remove the /include you added).


Stub support seems to be indeed ‘broken’ with Cint7.
