Error in <TUnixSystem::WorkingDirectory>: getcwd() failed

I installed the new version 5.34.01 and when I run ROOT I got immediatly the following error message:

[quote]root -l
Error in UnknownClass::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in UnknownClass::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in UnknownClass::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in UnknownClass::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in UnknownClass::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in TUnixSystem::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in TUnixSystem::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
shell-init : erreur de détermination du répertoire actuel : getcwd : ne peut accéder aux répertoires parents : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
shell-init : erreur de détermination du répertoire actuel : getcwd : ne peut accéder aux répertoires parents : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
Error in TUnixSystem::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in TUnixSystem::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in TUnixSystem::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed
Error in TUnixSystem::WorkingDirectory: getcwd() failed[/quote]
And this message appears when I run any command such as “TBrowser b” for example. Is there any way to fix that?

Hmmm, after rebooting my laptop this message has disappear. I did not do special things but now it is ok. Soory for the noise.

This happen at NERSC for me also. It occurs when I have a terminal open for a while (~ an hour). I can temporarily get rid of it by restarting the terminal, but it comes back after an hour or also of running root scripts / terminal commands. It seems to be only related to root so the tech support at NERSC doesn’t know what to do to debug it.