Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build> unknown type


I am using RDataFrame Define with armadillo to define a column of type arma::SpMat. However, I get the error:

Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: arma::SpMat<double>, unknown type: const double*const values
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: arma::SpMat<double>, unknown type: const ULong64_t*const row_indices
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: arma::SpMat<double>, unknown type: const ULong64_t*const col_ptrs
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: __mutex_base, unknown type: pthread_mutex_t _M_mutex


#include “TROOT.h”
#include “ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx”
#include <armadillo>
#include “pthread.h”
#include “sys/types.h”

auto getSm = {arma::sp_mat A(1,1); A(0,0) = 1.; return A;};

int main() {





“arma::MapMat<double>; map_ptr;”

“arma::state_type; atomic<int>; __atomic_base<int>;”

“mutex; __mutex_base; pthread_mutex_t”,“armadillo;mutex;pthread.h;sys/types.h”);

ROOT::RDataFrame df(10);

auto d = df.Define(“sm”, getSm);


return 0;


I use LCG_95apython3.

Kind regards,

Where you ever able to generate a dictionary for arma::SpMat<double> (i.e. outside of this example)?

Hi, thanks for you answer! What do you mean by ‘outside’? - I dunno in what other context I should use a dictionary … before I generate the dictionaries it gives an error that dictionaries are missing, so I generate them and that error disappears, which leads me to believe (maybe wrongly!) that that part works …

Often the dictionary are generated using rootcling or genreflex and compile as part of a shared library.

So this is the first time you try to generate a dictionary for those classes and we need to find a work-around the challenges. Can you provide the header file for arma::SpMat?


Of course!
SpMat_meat.hpp (138.7 KB)
SpMat_bones.hpp (33.4 KB)

Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: arma::SpMat<double>, unknown type: const double*const values
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: arma::SpMat<double>, unknown type: const ULong64_t*const row_indices
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: arma::SpMat<double>, unknown type: const ULong64_t*const col_ptrs
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: __mutex_base, unknown type: pthread_mutex_t _M_mutex

The mutex need to be marked transient:

  arma_aligned mutable std::mutex cache_mutex; ///<!  the trailing ! indicates it is transient.

The caches needs to be marked transient:

  arma_aligned mutable MapMat<eT> cache;     ///<!  
  arma_aligned mutable state_type sync_state;  ///<!  

I am not sure whether those are caches or not:

  arma_aligned const eT* const values;
  arma_aligned const uword* const row_indices;
  arma_aligned const uword* const col_ptrs;

If they are they should be marked transient, is not you would need to both replace the type by something rootcling/genreflex can handle and hide a marker of the length …:

#ifdef __ROOTCLING__
  arma_aligned eT* values;  ///< [n_size_values_array]
  arma_aligned uword* row_indices; ///< [n_rows]
  arma_aligned uword* col_ptrs;       ///< [n_columns]
  arma_aligned const eT* const values;
  arma_aligned const uword* const row_indices;
  arma_aligned const uword* const col_ptrs;


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