Error in <TBufferFile::CheckByteCount> while accessing variables

Hi all,

I try to access the variables in a ntuple. The (reduced) print output is

*Tree :T1 : CMSSW HF tree *
*Entries : 7471 : Total = 655910281 bytes File Size = 190654569 *

*Branch :TAna01Event *
*Entries : 7471 : BranchElement (see below) *

*Br 0 :fUniqueID : UInt_t *
*Entries : 7471 : Total Size= 30896 bytes File Size = 871 *
*Baskets : 7 : Basket Size= 23552 bytes Compression= 34.90 *

*Br 1 :fBits : UInt_t *
*Entries : 7471 : Total Size= 60792 bytes File Size = 16065 *
*Baskets : 7 : Basket Size= 37376 bytes Compression= 3.75 *

*Br 2 :fBeamSpot : TAnaVertex *
*Entries : 7471 : Total Size= 1017288 bytes File Size = 82959 *
*Baskets : 9 : Basket Size= 478208 bytes Compression= 12.26 *

*Br 140 :fnMuons : Int_t *
*Entries : 13895 : Total Size= 60129 bytes File Size = 18509 *
*Baskets : 46 : Basket Size= 6144 bytes Compression= 3.18 *

*Br 141 :fMuons : Int_t fMuons_ *
*Entries : 13895 : Total Size= 137799 bytes File Size = 18463 *
*Baskets : 46 : Basket Size= 64000 bytes Compression= 3.19 *

*Br 142 :fMuons.TAnaTrack : BASE TAnaTrack[fMuons_] *
*Entries : 13895 : Total Size= 44413627 bytes File Size = 17586332 *
*Baskets : 60 : Basket Size= 2447872 bytes Compression= 2.53 *

*Br 169 :fMuons.fChi2LocalMomentum : Float_t fChi2LocalMomentum[fMuons_] *
*Entries : 13895 : Total Size= 445467 bytes File Size = 207951 *
*Baskets : 46 : Basket Size= 27136 bytes Compression= 2.14 *

*Br 170 :fMuons.fNumberOfLostTrkHits : Int_t fNumberOfLostTrkHits[fMuons_] *
*Entries : 13895 : Total Size= 445567 bytes File Size = 88543 *
*Baskets : 46 : Basket Size= 27136 bytes Compression= 5.02 *

Br 171 :fMuons.fNumberOfValidTrkHits : Int_t fNumberOfValidTrkHits[fMuons_]
*Entries : 13895 : Total Size= 445617 bytes File Size = 117051 *
*Baskets : 46 : Basket Size= 27136 bytes Compression= 3.80 *

*Br 172 :fMuons.fSegmentComp : Float_t fSegmentComp[fMuons_] *
*Entries : 13895 : Total Size= 445167 bytes File Size = 183186 *
*Baskets : 46 : Basket Size= 27136 bytes Compression= 2.42 *

So far I have tried this to access variables:

    TFile * f1=TFile::Open("XX.root");
    TTree *T = (TTree*)f1->Get("T1");                                                         
    Int_t fnMuons_;
    Float_t fSegmentComp[fnMuons_];
    int nevent = T->GetEntries();

    T->SetBranchAddress("fnMuons", &fnMuons_);
    T->SetBranchAddress("fMuons.fSegmentComp", &fSegmentComp);   

    for (Long64_t i=0;i<nevent;i++) {
      for (Int_t n=0; n< fnMuons_; n++){
       cout << fSegmentComp[n]<< endl;
      cout << fnMuons_ << endl;

But all I got is

Processing readEvents.C…
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TAna01Event is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TAnaVertex is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TGenCand is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TSimpleTrack is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TAnaTrack is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TAnaMuon is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class xpTrack is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TTrgObjv2 is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TAnaJet is available
Warning in TClass::Init: no dictionary for class TAnaCand is available
Error in TBufferFile::CheckByteCount: object of class TAnaVertex read too few bytes: 124 instead of 128

I think I am missing something while trying to access the variables.

Any help would be appreciated…


Loading the library implementing TAnaVertex might solve the problem.

What is the header file describing TAnaVertex. How does it compare to the output of


Is there a custom streamer for TAnaVertex?

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