Error in running Analysis code

Hello every
in trying to run an Analysis code for which i have this Makefile

SHELL = /bin/sh

pythialib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/Pythia8244/pythia/lib
hepmclib = /home/anwarzada/Packages/HepMC-2.06.09/HepMC/lib 
tauolalib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/TAUOLA/lib/ 
lhapdflib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/LHAPDF-6.2.3/LHAPDF/lib/
lhapdfinc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/LHAPDF-6.2.3/LHAPDF/include
hepmcinc = /home/anwarzada/Packages/HepMC-2.06.09/HepMC/include 
tauolainc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/TAUOLA/include
pythiainc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/Pythia8244/pythia/include/
rootinc=   /home/anwarzada/Packages/root-6.20.02/myroot/include
rootlib=   /home/anwarzada/Packages/root-6.20.02/myroot/lib
fastjetlib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/fastjet-3.3.3/FASTJET/lib/
fastjetinc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/fastjet-3.3.3/FASTJET/include
CXXFLAGS = -O2 -ansi -pedantic -fbounds-check

all :
	@echo "Using makefile ..., please enter the code name to compile"	

WriteHepMC :
#	gfortran  -I$(hepmcinc) -I$(pythiainc) -o $@.exe -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(tauolalib) -L$(lhapdflib) -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lhepmcinterface  -lHepMC -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran 
	g++ -I$(pythiainc) -I$(tauolainc) -o $@.exe -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(tauolalib) -L$(lhapdflib) `root-config --cflags --glibs` `fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins` `fastjet-config --libs --plugins` -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lhepmcinterface  -lHepMC -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran 

Analysishadbkg   :
	g++ -I$(pythiainc) -I$(tauolainc) -o $@.exe -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(tauolalib) -L$(lhapdflib) `root-config --cflags --glibs` `fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins` `fastjet-config --libs --plugins` -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lhepmcinterface  -lHepMC -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran
Analysis   :
	g++ -g -I$(pythiainc) -I$(tauolainc) -I$(hepmcinc) -I$(lhapdfinc) -o $@.exe -L$(tauolalib) -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(lhapdflib) `root-config --cflags --glibs` `fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins` `fastjet-config --libs --plugins` -L$(HEPMC2_LIB) -Wl,-rpath,$(HEPMC2_LIB) -lHepMC -ldl -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran

which the command make Analysis
i got this error

My ubuntu = 20.04.2
ROOT = 20.06.02
fastjet = 3.3.3

Thanks in Advance

Hi @anwar ,
please check out Posting code? Read this first! for instructions on how to post code on the forum. I edited your previous post to make it more readable.

As far as I can tell the error is due to a broken Pythia installation. If it worked before, maybe you recently upgraded your system and need to recompile Pythia? Or maybe you installed a Pythia binary incompatible with your system.


Hi @eguiraud ,
thanks for your response and guidance,
i resolved that error but now i am facing this issue
root-config --cflags --glibs fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins fastjet-config --libs --plugins -L -Wl,-rpath, -lHepMC -lpythia8 -ldl -lLHAPDF -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/…/…/…/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function _start': (.text+0x20): undefined reference to main’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
makefile:25: recipe for target ‘Analysis’ failed
make: * [Analysis] Error 1

Hi @anwar ,
please post the full compilation command (and use three backticks ``` to format it properly).

From the compilation error it seems that you are missing a source file that defines a main function.

As i shared the Makefile above, for which i use the command make Analysis to create an .exe file for an code.
but when i give the make Analysis command, it returns this error

root-config --cflags --glibs fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins fastjet-config --libs --plugins -L -Wl,-rpath, -lHepMC -lpythia8 -ldl -lLHAPDF -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/…/…/…/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function _start': (.text+0x20): undefined reference to main’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
makefile:25: recipe for target ‘Analysis’ failed
make: * [Analysis] Error 1

Ok, there is an error in your Makefile, either you are compiling a library as if it was an executable (so the compiler expects a main function) or you are compiling an executable but you don’t pass the source file that contains main.

This is not strictly related to ROOT, I can suggest to use make VERBOSE=1 to see the exact compilation command that is being run and see what’s wrong with it.


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