Error in RooWorkSpace and Histfactoy: "already in workspace"?

I am trying to make a workspace for data, signal and bkg using 2D histograms in with HistFactory
My python code crashes however and I suspect the problem is a simple one to solve as I get errors like this one:

[#0] ERROR:ObjectHandling – RooWorkSpace::import(chanGLR2d) ERROR importing object named mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d_epsilon: another instance with same name already in the workspace and no conflict resolution protocol specified

Given that I am new to HistFactory and RootStats I am confident, my mistake is probably an obvious one. I would definitely appreciate some help to speed things up and get the result going.

Below I ass ) 1 the python code 2) the log file of the output and the crash.


=====================python CODE==============================
#!/usr/bin/env python

A pyROOT script demonstrating

an example of writing a HistFactory

model using python

This example was written to match

the example.xml analysis in


Written by George Lewis

For the analysis: we nee dto generate the model

generate the associated data set

then pass the dataset and the model to the calculator so generate the model and save it in a workspace

upload the workspace to teh clculator and clauclate significance

def main():

        import ROOT
    print "It seems that pyROOT isn't properly configured"

Create a HistFactory measurement from python

InputFile = “./data/example.root”

InputDataFile = "./data/GLR-R-3_ggqq-GAZX-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root"
InputSigFile = "./data/GRLMinusSM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root"
InputBkgFile = "./data/SM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root"

# Create the measurement
meas2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Measurement("meas", "meas")

set luminosity to 1 : assume everything is normalized to lumi


10%uncertainty is even too much, but to startwith…


to be understood


# Create two channels

chan2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Channel("chanGLR2d")

this one needs the data histogram

chan2d.SetData("mtt_costhetastar_r", InputDataFile)
chan2d.SetStatErrorConfig(0.001, "Poisson")

# Now, create some samples

# Create the signal samples
signal2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample("mtt_costhetastar_r", "mtt_costhetastar_r", InputSigFile)
signal2d.AddNormFactor("SigXsecOverSM2d", 1, 0, 4)

Background 2d

background2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample("mtt_costhetastar_r","mtt_costhetastar_r", InputBkgFile)

background2d.ActivateStatError(“background1_statUncert”, InputBKgFile)


# Add it to the measurement:


# Collect the histograms from their files,
# print some output,

One can print XML code to an

output directory:

meas2d.PrintXML("xml2dFromPy", meas2d.GetOutputFilePrefix());

# Now, do the measurement i.e. change iny a Worksspace


if name == “main”:

================LOG FILE======================================

macbookspano2016:HistDIrectory francescospano$ python

RooFit v3.60 – Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby
Copyright © 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University
All rights reserved, please read

Getting histogram. InputFile ./data/GLR-R-3_ggqq-GAZX-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root HistoPath HistoName mtt_costhetastar_r
Opened input file: ./data/GLR-R-3_ggqq-GAZX-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root: 0x7fd6853ee730
Collecting Nominal Histogram
Getting histogram. InputFile ./data/GRLMinusSM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root HistoPath HistoName mtt_costhetastar_r
Opened input file: ./data/GRLMinusSM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root: 0x7fd6854b0b40
Collecting Nominal Histogram
Getting histogram. InputFile ./data/SM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root HistoPath HistoName mtt_costhetastar_r
Opened input file: ./data/SM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root: 0x7fd682f75bf0
Measurement Name: meas OutputFilePrefix: ./results/example_2dPy POI: SigXsecOverSM2d Lumi: 1 LumiRelErr: 0.1 BinLow: 0 BinHigh: 1 ExportOnly: 0
Constant Params: Lumi
Channel Name: chanGLR2d InputFile:
InputFile: ./data/GLR-R-3_ggqq-GAZX-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root HistoName: mtt_costhetastar_r HistoPath: HistoAddress: 0x7fd685792020
RelErrorThreshold: 0.001 ConstraintType: Poisson
Name: mtt_costhetastar_r Channel: chanGLR2d NormalizeByTheory: True StatErrorActivate: False
InputFile: ./data/GRLMinusSM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root HistName: mtt_costhetastar_r HistoPath: HistoAddress: 0x7fd682f8ddf0
Name: mtt_costhetastar_r Channel: chanGLR2d NormalizeByTheory: True StatErrorActivate: False
InputFile: ./data/SM_ggqq-GAZ-tt-bbllvv_2-4_5x10M.a.L100.2D.root HistName: mtt_costhetastar_r HistoPath: HistoAddress: 0x7fd68572d150
End of Channel chanGLR2d
End Measurement: meas
Printing XML Files for measurement: meas
Printing XML Files for channel: chanGLR2d
Finished printing XML files
Finished printing XML files
Making Model and Measurements (Fast) for measurement: meas
using lumi = 1 and lumiError = 0.1 including bins between 0 and 1
fixing the following parameters:
Checking if output directory : ./results - exists
Creating the output file: ./results/example_2dPy_meas.root
Creating the table file: ./results/example_2dPy_results.table
Creating the HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast factory
Setting preprocess functions
Starting to process channel: chanGLR2d

Starting to process chanGLR2d channel with 2 observables
lumi str = [1,0,10]
lumi Error str = nominalLumi[1,0,2],0.1
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling – RooWorkspace::import(chanGLR2d) importing RooConstVar::mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d_epsilon
making normFactor: SigXsecOverSM2d
mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d has no variation histograms
processing hist mtt_costhetastar_r
[#1] INFO:DataHandling – RooDataHist::adjustBinning(mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2dnominalDHist): fit range of variable obs_x_chanGLR2d expanded to nearest bin boundaries: [2.025,3.975] --> [2.025,3.975]
[#1] INFO:DataHandling – RooDataHist::adjustBinning(mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2dnominalDHist): fit range of variable obs_y_chanGLR2d expanded to nearest bin boundaries: [-1,1] --> [-1,1]
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling – RooWorkspace::import(chanGLR2d) importing dataset mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2dnominalDHist
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling – RooWorkspace::import(chanGLR2d) importing RooHistFunc::mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d_nominal
[#0] ERROR:ObjectHandling – RooWorkSpace::import(chanGLR2d) ERROR importing object named mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d_epsilon: another instance with same name already in the workspace and no conflict resolution protocol specified
mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d has no variation histograms
processing hist mtt_costhetastar_r
[#1] INFO:DataHandling – RooDataHist::adjustBinning(mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2dnominalDHist): fit range of variable obs_x_chanGLR2d expanded to nearest bin boundaries: [2.025,3.975] --> [2.025,3.975]
[#1] INFO:DataHandling – RooDataHist::adjustBinning(mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2dnominalDHist): fit range of variable obs_y_chanGLR2d expanded to nearest bin boundaries: [-1,1] --> [-1,1]
[#0] ERROR:ObjectHandling – RooWorkSpace::import(chanGLR2d) ERROR importing object named mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d_nominal: another instance with same name already in the workspace and no conflict resolution protocol specified
[#0] ERROR:ObjectHandling – RooWorkSpace::import(chanGLR2d) ERROR importing object named mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d_overallSyst_x_Exp: another instance with same name already in the workspace and no conflict resolution protocol specified
[#0] ERROR:ObjectHandling – RooFactoryWSTool::processExpression() ERRORS detected, transaction to workspace aborted, no objects committed
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling – RooWorkSpace::import(chanGLR2d) Recycling existing object L_x_mtt_costhetastar_r_chanGLR2d_overallSyst_x_Exp created with identical factory specification
[#0] ERROR:InputArguments – RooRealSumPdf::RooRealSumPdf(chanGLR2d_model) number of pdfs and coefficients inconsistent, must have Nfunc=Ncoef or Nfunc=Ncoef+1

*** Break *** segmentation violation
[#0] WARNING:InputArguments – RooRealSumPdf::RooRealSumPdf(chanGLR2d_model) func Generating stack trace…
atos[71668]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x000000011799396a in _ZN8RooStats11HistFactory27HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast26MakeSingleChannelWorkspaceERNS0_11MeasurementERNS0_7ChannelE + 0x48ba from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71670]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x000000011798eee0 in _ZN8RooStats11HistFactory27HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast22MakeSingleChannelModelERNS0_11MeasurementERNS0_7ChannelE + 0x30 from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71672]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x00000001179b0a41 in _ZN8RooStats11HistFactory27MakeModelAndMeasurementFastERNS0_11MeasurementE + 0xcb1 from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
0x0000000118fa1039 in
atos[71674]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x00000001069fc21d in Z8FastCalllPvS_S + 0xf3d from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71676]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x00000001069fc772 in ZN5Cppyy5CallRElPvS0 + 0x22 from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71678]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106a037d5 in _ZN6PyROOT18TCppObjectExecutor7ExecuteElPvPNS_12TCallContextE + 0x55 from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71680]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106a1f624 in _ZN6PyROOT13TMethodHolder8CallFastEPvlPNS_12TCallContextE + 0x24 from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71682]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106a1f9d7 in _ZN6PyROOT13TMethodHolder8CallSafeEPvlPNS_12TCallContextE + 0xb7 from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71684]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106a1f35e in _ZN6PyROOT13TMethodHolder7ExecuteEPvlPNS_12TCallContextE + 0x2e from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71686]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106a06907 in ZN6PyROOT12_GLOBAL__N_17mp_callEPNS_11MethodProxyEP7_objectS4 + 0xe7 from /Applications/root_v6.06.02/lib/
atos[71688]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x00000001064ae202 in PyObject_Call + 0x63 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71690]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106529e37 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 0x2884 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71692]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x000000010652d541 in _PyEval_SliceIndex + 0x1e9 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71694]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x000000010652a30c in PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 0x2d59 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71696]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x00000001065273c1 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 0x62f from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71698]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106526d8c in PyEval_EvalCode + 0x36 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71700]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106546a42 in PyParser_ASTFromFile + 0x12c from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71702]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106546ae5 in PyRun_FileExFlags + 0x85 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71704]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106546634 in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 0x2ba from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71706]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x0000000106558011 in Py_Main + 0xc41 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
atos[71708]: atos cannot examine process 71659 (Python) for unknown reasons, even though it appears to exist; try running with sudo.
0x00007fff848d15ad in start + 0x1 from /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 147, in
File “”, line 141, in main
SystemError: RooWorkspace* RooStats::HistFactory::MakeModelAndMeasurementFast(RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement& measurement) =>
problem in C++; program state has been reset
macbookspano2016:HistDIrectory francescospano$

I found the problem myself:

I was giving the signal and the bkg the same name:mtt_costhetastar_r

signal2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample(“mtt_costhetastar_r”, “mtt_costhetastar_r”, InputSigFile)

Background 2d

background2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample(“mtt_costhetastar_r”,“mtt_costhetastar_r”, InputBkgFile)

as soon as I differentiate them all is fine i.e. this works

signal2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample(“mtt_costhetastar_rsig”, “mtt_costhetastar_r”, InputSigFile)
background2d = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample(“mtt_costhetastar_rbkg”,“mtt_costhetastar_r”, InputBkgFile)


Thanks for confirming - and apologies that you didn’t get an answer for three days!
