Dear Experts,
This is a R&D project im working on. Its essentially a MicroMegas detector. However, I have replaced the Micromesh with a wire layer where all the wires run parallel to each other. I have placed the Anode at 0 position with 0 voltage, Wire layer 2mm above the anode at -3500V, and cathode 5mm above the anode at -4500V. I built it with the help of GEM and fieldlines examples. The Code runs and I was able to generate plots of field lines and drift lines. However when executed, it return following error.
DriftLineRKF::FieldLine: Step size has become smaller than int. accuracy. Stop.
Please let me me know whats causing this and if its gonna affect my results. I also want to understand why I cannot cannot see any field lines going from Anode to wires. I can only see field lines going from Anode to Cathode.
Let me share my code here.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <chrono> // For timing
#include <omp.h> // For OpenMP parallelization
#include <TApplication.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include "Garfield/ComponentAnalyticField.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewField.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewFEMesh.hh"
#include "Garfield/MediumMagboltz.hh"
#include "Garfield/Sensor.hh"
#include "Garfield/AvalancheMicroscopic.hh"
#include "Garfield/AvalancheMC.hh"
#include "Garfield/Random.hh"
#include "Garfield/Plotting.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewCell.hh"
using namespace Garfield;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
TApplication app("app", &argc, argv);
constexpr double pitch = 0.05;
constexpr double gauge = 0.008; // wire gauge in cm
constexpr double meshVoltage = -3500.; // wires voltage
constexpr double meshX = 0.; // wire x position
constexpr double meshY = 0.2; // wire y position
constexpr double cathodePosition = 0.5;
constexpr double cathodeVoltage = -4500;
// Gas mixture
MediumMagboltz gas("Ar", 70., "co2", 30.);
// Penning transfer coefficients
constexpr double rPenning = 0.57;
constexpr double lambdaPenning = 0.;
gas.EnablePenningTransfer(rPenning, lambdaPenning, "ar");
// Define the cell layout
ComponentAnalyticField cmp;
// Info on ion mobility
const char* garfield_path = std::getenv("GARFIELD_INSTALL");
if (!garfield_path) {
std::cerr << "GARFIELD_INSTALL environment variable not set!" << std::endl;
return 1;
const std::string path = garfield_path;
gas.LoadIonMobility(path + "/share/Garfield/Data/IonMobility_Ar+_Ar.txt");
// Add the sense wire
cmp.AddWire(meshX, meshY, gauge, meshVoltage);
// Add the planes
cmp.AddPlaneY(0., 0.); // Anode
cmp.AddPlaneY(cathodePosition, cathodeVoltage); // Cathode
// Points above wire (y > 0.2)
std::cout << "\nField intensity above wire:\n";
double y1 = 0.35;
const auto efield1 = cmp.ElectricField(0., y1, 0.);
double magnitude1 = sqrt(efield1[0] * efield1[0] + efield1[1] * efield1[1]);
std::cout << "At y = " << y1 << " cm:\n";
std::cout << " E = " << magnitude1/1000 << " kV/cm\n";
// Points below wire (y < 0.2)
std::cout << "\nField intensity below wire:\n";
double y2 = 0.10;
const auto efield2 = cmp.ElectricField(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
double magnitude2 = sqrt(efield2[0] * efield2[0] + efield2[1] * efield2[1]);
std::cout << "At y = " << y2 << " cm:\n";
std::cout << " E = " << magnitude2/1000 << " kV/cm\n";
// Plot isopotential contours
ViewField fieldView(&cmp);
constexpr double xmin = -1 * pitch;
constexpr double xmax = 1 * pitch;
fieldView.SetPlane(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
fieldView.SetArea(xmin, 0., xmax, 0.5);
fieldView.SetVoltageRange(-5000., 0.);
TCanvas* cf = new TCanvas("cf", "Electric Field lines and Equipotential Contours", 1000, 800);
//fieldView.Plot("v", "CONT1");
// Plot field lines
std::vector<double> xf;
std::vector<double> yf;
std::vector<double> zf;
fieldView.EqualFluxIntervals(xmin, 0.50, 0., xmax, 0.50, 0.,xf, yf, zf, 20);
fieldView.PlotFieldLines(xf, yf, zf, true, false);
// Plot the cell layout
//ViewCell cellView(&cmp);
//cellView.SetArea(xmin, 0., xmax, 0.5);
// Create a sensor
Sensor sensor;
sensor.SetArea(xmin, 0., xmin, xmax, cathodePosition, xmax);
AvalancheMicroscopic aval(&sensor);
AvalancheMC drift(&sensor);
// Plot drifts
ViewDrift driftView;
constexpr bool plotDrift = true;
if (plotDrift) {
// Plot every tenth collision.
aval.EnablePlotting(&driftView, 10);
// Count the total number of ions produced the back-flowing ions.
unsigned int nTotal = 0;
unsigned int nBF = 0;
constexpr unsigned int nEvents = 20;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nEvents; ++i) {
std::cout << i << "/" << nEvents << "\n";
// Randomize the initial position.
const double x0 = (xmin + (xmax-xmin) * RndmUniform());
const double z0 = (xmin + (xmax-xmin) * RndmUniform());
const double y0 = cathodePosition;
const double t0 = 0.;
const double e0 = 0.1;
aval.AvalancheElectron(x0, y0, z0, t0, e0, 0., 0., 0.);
int ne = 0, ni = 0;
aval.GetAvalancheSize(ne, ni);
for (const auto& electron : aval.GetElectrons()) {
const auto& p0 = electron.path[0];
drift.DriftIon(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.t);
const auto& endpoint = drift.GetIons().front().path.back();
if (endpoint.z > 0.005) ++nBF;
std::cout << "Fraction of back-flowing ions: "
<< double(nBF) / double(nTotal) << "\n";
std::cout << "Average Electron Gain: "
<< double(nTotal) / double(nEvents) << "\n";
TCanvas* cd = new TCanvas("cd", "Drift View", 1000, 800);
driftView.SetPlane(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
driftView.SetArea(xmin, 0., xmax, 0.5);
Than you very much for your assistance!
Best Regards,