Error building ROOT 6.26/10 on Win11 with VS17

Amazing! the new build has finished, the install directory has filled and I can finally run ROOT from the VS command prompt.
My new problem (and hopefully the final one :smiley:) is that I can’t run pyroot.
I added my \bin to the PYTHONPATH and can:

import ROOT

But I get the following error:

input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: 'new' file not found
#include <new>
Assertion failed: OldBuilder->DeferredDeclsToEmit.empty() && "Should have emitted all decls deferred to emit.",
file C:\Users\dor00\ROOT\root_src\interpreter\llvm\src\tools\clang\lib\CodeGen\ModuleBuilder.cpp, line 155

Which is identical to the error I get trying to run root from cmd, so perhaps solving this will solve my pyroot problem as well…?
From what I understand the only difference from VS command prompt and cmd is environment variables? Any idea as to what could be the problem?

A bit more information:

  • Trying to install ROOT from the binary gave me the same error, which is one of the reasons I tried to build ROOT from source in the first place seeing this.
  • To rule out different SDK versions, I can say that the only SDK version installed is 10.0.22000.0