Empty buffer while serializing my ROOT class

Hi everyone,

I implemented a class that wrap a TObject for my DQM system :

Header :

class DQMMonitorElement : public TObject

	/** Default constructor (for root serialization)

	/** Returns the element quality
	DQMQuality getQuality() const;

	/** Set the element quality
	void setQuality(DQMQuality quality);

	/** Returns the reset policy of the element. See enumerator definition
	DQMResetPolicy getResetPolicy() const;

	/** Sets the reset policy of the element. See enumerator definition
	void setResetPolicy(DQMResetPolicy policy);

	/** Returns the element type
	DQMMonitorElementType getType() const;

	/** Returns the name of the element which is often the root object name
	virtual const std::string &getName();

	/** Returns the title of the object which is often the root object title
	virtual const std::string &getTitle();

	/** Sets the element title
	virtual void setTitle(const std::string &title);

	/** Returns the element description
	const std::string &getDescription() const;

	/** Sets the element description
	void setDescription(const std::string &description);

	/** Return the draw option
	const std::string &getDrawOption() const;

	/** Set the draw option
	void setDrawOption(const std::string &drawOption);

	/** Returns the current run for this monitor element
	unsigned int getRunNumber() const;

	/** Sets whether the element has to be published at the next end of cycle.
	 *  This flag is not reset by the framework. The user is
	 *  responsible for publishing or not the element.
	void setToPublish(bool publish);

	/** Whether the element has to be published at the next end of cycle.
	bool isToPublish() const;

	/** Return the associated TObject that is monitored
	TObject *const getObject();

	/** Reset the element
	virtual void reset();


 /** DQMMonitorElement with type, name and title
 DQMMonitorElement(TObject *pObject, DQMMonitorElementType type,
 		const std::string &name, const std::string &title);

 /** Destructor
 virtual ~DQMMonitorElement();

	/** Sets the current run number
	void setRunNumber(unsigned int runNumber);

	TObject                        *m_pObject;             ///< The monitored TObject

 std::string                     m_name;                ///< The element name
 std::string                     m_title;               ///< The element title
 std::string                     m_description;        ///< The element description
 std::string                     m_drawOption;         ///< The draw option to apply while drawing

 DQMMonitorElementType         m_type;                  ///< The element type
 DQMQuality                    m_quality;               ///< The element quality has defined by the user
 DQMResetPolicy                m_resetPolicy;          ///< The reset policy. See enumerator definition

 unsigned int                   m_runNumber;           ///< The run number when the element is published
 bool                            m_toPublish;           ///< Whether the element has to be published at end of cycle

	// friend classes
 friend class DQMModuleApi;

 // ROOT class definition. Needed for streamers
 ClassDef(DQMMonitorElement, 1);

Source file :



DQMMonitorElement::DQMMonitorElement() :
	/* nop */


DQMMonitorElement::DQMMonitorElement(TObject *pObject, DQMMonitorElementType type,
		const std::string &name, const std::string &title) :
	if(NULL == m_pObject)
		throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);


	if(NULL != m_pObject)
		delete m_pObject;


DQMQuality DQMMonitorElement::getQuality() const
	return m_quality;


void DQMMonitorElement::setQuality(DQMQuality quality)
	m_quality = quality;


DQMResetPolicy DQMMonitorElement::getResetPolicy() const
	return m_resetPolicy;


void DQMMonitorElement::setResetPolicy(DQMResetPolicy policy)
	m_resetPolicy = policy;


DQMMonitorElementType DQMMonitorElement::getType() const
	return m_type;


const std::string &DQMMonitorElement::getName()
	return m_name;


const std::string &DQMMonitorElement::getTitle()
	return m_title;


void DQMMonitorElement::setTitle(const std::string &title)
	m_title = title;


const std::string &DQMMonitorElement::getDescription() const
	return m_description;


void DQMMonitorElement::setDescription(const std::string &description)
	m_description = description;


const std::string &DQMMonitorElement::getDrawOption() const
	return m_drawOption;


void DQMMonitorElement::setDrawOption(const std::string &drawOption)
	m_drawOption = drawOption;


unsigned int DQMMonitorElement::getRunNumber() const
	return m_runNumber;


void DQMMonitorElement::setToPublish(bool toPublish)
	m_toPublish = toPublish;


bool DQMMonitorElement::isToPublish() const
	return m_toPublish;


void DQMMonitorElement::setRunNumber(unsigned int runNumber)
	m_runNumber = runNumber;


TObject *const DQMMonitorElement::getObject()
	return m_pObject;


void DQMMonitorElement::reset()


At some point, I wanted to serialze my class using a TBufferFile object and get the raw buffer and buffer size.
Iā€™m doing this (in a loop) :

                // ...

		DQMMonitorElement *pMonitorElement = *iter;
                // ...

		TBufferFile message(TBuffer::kWrite);
		message.SetBit(TBuffer::kIsOwner, false);

		m_serializedData.m_pBuffer = message.Buffer();
		m_serializedData.m_bufferSize = message.BufferSize();

		std::cout << "m_serializedData.m_pBuffer : " << m_serializedData.m_pBuffer << std::endl;
		std::cout << "strlen(m_serializedData.m_pBuffer) : " << strlen(m_serializedData.m_pBuffer) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "m_serializedData.m_bufferSize : " << m_serializedData.m_bufferSize << std::endl;

                 // ...

which gives me :

m_serializedData.m_pBuffer : @
strlen(m_serializedData.m_pBuffer) : 1
m_serializedData.m_bufferSize : 5036

I have the same problem with a TMessage implementation.
Have got any idea why the buffer is empty (or at least containing only a ā€œ@ā€) ?
Do I have to add an instruction before serialzing my object or before getting the buffer ?

Thanks for help !


std::cout << "m_serializedData.m_pBuffer : " << m_serializedData.m_pBuffer << std::endl; std::cout << "strlen(m_serializedData.m_pBuffer) : " << strlen(m_serializedData.m_pBuffer) << std::endl;The result of streaming an object into a TBufferFile or TMessage is an extremely compact binary representation of the object which is both efficient in time and space. You can not treat the result as a string (neither calling strlen nor trying to print it as a string will give a meaningful result).

If you need a string representation of the object (which would be inefficient in both time and space and thus should not be used a DAQ system), you might consider looking into TBufferXML which will produce an xml representation of the object.
