Draw the plots in TCanvas

I want to produce a list of plots(more than 100 plots) at same time and save them in the different files. I used a loop to produce these plots. In the loop, first I define TCanvas c1, then I draw the plots, save the files with c1.Print(filename), and delete the plots.

now If I produce the plots with GIF format, the loop will crash at about 40th plots. But if I produce the plots with ps or eps format, the programs is fine. Also, I found when I produce the plots with ps or eps format, the used memory is not change from the first plot to last plot, (I delete the plots at the end loop). but If I draw the plots with GIF format, the used memory is increasing. Anyone know the problems.

best regards

When posting at this Forum ALWAYS indicate which version you use.
Move to version 5.17/04 in case you use an older version.


I am sorry, I was used 5.14 vesion, now I change to 5.17/04, the program is running smoothly, also the memory look like fine. Thanks you very much!

best regards