Draw std::map?


I have a user defined class which has a map <string,float> as a member object. I can use it without problems in compiled root macros, but is there anyway to draw it in an non-compiled script or from the command line?



With a recent version of ROOT you ought to be able to use TTree::Draw to plot the content without problem. Which version of ROOT are you using? What did you try? How does it fail?



I’m using root v5.22/00d and I tried the following

root [7] c->Draw(“CombinedInDetTracks_CTB.myTracks[0].mpT[‘ID’]”)
Error in TTreeFormula::Compile: Bad numerical expression : "‘ID’"
TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1
Warning in TSelectorDraw::ProcessFillObject: Not implemented for map<string,float>

also when I do the following:
root [3] c->Draw(“CombinedInDetTracks_CTB.myTracks[0].mpT[]”)
TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1
Warning in TSelectorDraw::ProcessFillObject: Not implemented for map<string,float>

Do I need to move to a more recent version of root?
