Draw a grid for a TH2 with variable bin width


is there an easy way to draw a grid that will match the bin edges in a 2D histogram having variable bin widths? It seems that the only control is over the number of divisions, and not on their positions.

Thank you,


This is not possible because you have variable bin sizes along X OR/AND Y


is it possible then to draw arbitrary lines in TH2 from specific coordinates?

Thank you,

see example below

void lines() { const Int_t nxbins = 8; Double_t xbins[nxbins+1] = {-3,-1,-0.5,-0.2,0,0.2,0.5,1,3}; TH2F *h = new TH2F("h","test",nxbins,xbins,40,-3,3); TRandom r; for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++) { h->Fill(r.Gaus(0,1),r.Gaus(0,1)); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1"); h.Draw(); //superimpose lines at the xbins positions TLine l; c1->Update(); Double_t ymin = c1->GetUymin(); Double_t ymax = c1->GetUymax(); l.SetLineStyle(2); for (Int_t bin=1;nxbins-1;bin++) { l.DrawLine(xbins[bin],ymin,xbins[bin],ymax); } }
