DPM RFIO and TTreeCache


Many of those running physics analyses on our DPM system have experienced difficulties using TTreeCache when the DPM load is high. The typical use-case is that users have TTrees containing around six thousand branches. When the user jobs run only around one thousand branches are used. The TTreeCache setting used was 100Mbytes and the TFile size is from 600MBtyes to 1GByte. Before reaching the I/O limit on the DPM, this configuration was producing good results with ROOT versions 5.26, 5.28 and 5.30. When an I/O limit is reached, enabling TTreeCache creates a cascade of RFIO failures. The errors are typically of the form:

Error in TRFIOFile::TRFIOFile: error doing rfio_read
Error in TBranch::GetBasket: File:
at byte:536958, branch:EF_e45_medium1, entry:459, badread=1, nerrors=1,
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range’
what(): vector::_M_range_check
/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/1418590.grid07.unige.ch.SC: line 55:
6815 Aborted

It looks like reading is not blocked when the process should be waiting for more data. Instead the process continues and crashes, printing errors due to corrupted data.

In the user code we have the lines (m_tree is a TTree*):

TTreeCache::SetLearnEntries(1); // Stop learning after 1 entry is read.

If these lines are removed the job failure rate is significantly reduced. Instead, most jobs just run a little slower. We see this behaviour with ROOT 5.30 and 5.32 (64bit LINUX build from AFS). Would it be possible for TTreeCache to deal with a heavily loaded file system in a little bit more graceful manner? Are future updates of TTreeCache planned?

Thanks and best regards,



At this point it is not clear whether the problem is in the rfio library or the ROOT use of it.


Hi Philippe,

When the batch system is running a large number of rfcp jobs which copy the whole file, almost no errors are seen. Since only one sixth of the branches are used and are part of the TTreeCache, would it be reasonable to assume an rfio based program which reads 1/6th a file (sampling at random), is a correct simulation of the ROOT use-case? Such a program could be written in C, with fseek calls in between the random blocks chosen and validation using a binary file containing a known pattern of integers. In this manner one could check the return statement of the fread function and the values read via RFIO.

Thanks and best regards,


Hi Will,

[quote]Since only one sixth of the branches are used and are part of the TTreeCache, would it be reasonable to assume an rfio based program which reads 1/6th a file (sampling at random), is a correct simulation of the ROOT use-case?[/quote]The 1/6th depends a bit of the relative size of the branches. The read would not be quite random, instead they would be series of reads via the vector read interface that request about 100Mb spread over (assuming the 1/6 ratio) 600 consecutive Mb and then repeat.

One thing you could try, is to reduce the size of the cache (for example down to 30Mb).
