Can you estimate the number of total, active ROOT users?
Do you have the total statistics of ROOT downloads?
I remember there was a picture of ROOT downloads by year, platform.
Regards. Valeriy
Can you estimate the number of total, active ROOT users?
Do you have the total statistics of ROOT downloads?
I remember there was a picture of ROOT downloads by year, platform.
Regards. Valeriy
Hi Valeriy,
A lot changed around us since that dashboard was available and reliable: and that’s for good!
We distribute ROOT through many channels: binaries on GitHub, on root.cern, Conda, source tarballs (on GitHub and root.cern), cvmfs.
Others, including experiments and the SFT LCG team distribute ROOT through cvmfs, as part of their stacks.
Of course, many users clone ROOT from GitHub. Others from MacPorts, from Brew, others use ROOT installed from Linux distribution packages.
We cannot precisely count how many “downloads” we have. I would say several tens of thousands, at least, excluding CI systems: only Brew provide to its users ROOT about 11 thousands per year!
As per the number of users, again relying on reasonable estimates might seem the sensible thing to do. We have about 10 thousands post per year on the forum, as well as about 1 thousands new registrants. That alone would account for thousands of users. On top of that you may have also users that are silent, and we cannot really engage with (and this is not a criticism! It’s completely fine!).
I am afraid that this is as far as we could go in this thread, but this is not necessarily a bad thing: I am sure many other open source packages are in the same situation.
I hope this helps.