Documentation of GUI Objects

Where do I find specific examples or at least a better documentation about the signals and slots of the GUI objects? For example

TGDoubleSlider is an abstract base class. Use the concrete
TGDoubleVSlider and TGDoubleHSlider.

Dragging the slider will generate the event:
kC_VSLIDER, kSL_POS, slider id, 0 (for vertical slider)
kC_HSLIDER, kSL_POS, slider id, 0 (for horizontal slider)

Pressing the mouse will generate the event:
kC_VSLIDER, kSL_PRESS, slider id, 0 (for vertical slider)
kC_HSLIDER, kSL_PRESS, slider id, 0 (for horizontal slider)

Releasing the mouse will generate the event:
kC_VSLIDER, kSL_RELEASE, slider id, 0 (for vertical slider)
kC_HSLIDER, kSL_RELEASE, slider id, 0 (for horizontal slider)

Does not help me too much when trying to implement a method to be called when releasing the mouse.

How does the method look like? void (int, bool etc ?

Wheat is the signal that will be emitted that I have to connect? Something like “Clicked?”


We don’t have a list of all available signals, but they are easy to find. For example, look at the TGButton documentation and look for the [color=#000080]SIGNAL[/color] keywords. You will find Pressed(), Released(), …
And this is valid for all GUI classes.
You can also grep for [color=#0000FF]//SIGNAL[/color] in the header files
See also How to Use the Signal/Slot Communication Mechanism?

Cheers, Bertrand.

Searching the headers is not efficient but helps me here:

virtual void PositionChanged() { Emit(“PositionChanged()”); } //SIGNAL
virtual void Pressed() { Emit(“Pressed()”); } //SIGNAL
virtual void Released() { Emit(“Released()”); } //SIGNAL

Thanks for this fast response!