Divide TH2F

is it possible to divide two th2fs?

Imho it should be as easy as dividing th1f, but it seems not to be implementet, but you can divide th2f / th1f…

Am I missing something, or is it simply not there? If not, why not?



TH2 *ha, *hb; ha->Divide(hb);

Hm, it’s a little confusing, that TH2F has no Divide Function in the reference guide (or did i miss that one too), and that autocomplete in CINT says:

void Divide(TF1* f1, Double_t c1 = 1)
void Divide(const TH1* h1)
void Divide(const TH1* h1, const TH1* h2, Double_t c1 = 1, Double_t c2 = 1, Option_t* option = "")      // *MENU*

But since TH2 inherits Divide from TH1 both is understandable… so, thanks for the help