Different methods for sum of Pt from two particles

Hello, I’m trying to get the total transverse momentum of a lepton pair and I have two methods giving slightly different answers.

The two methods are:

  1. Create vectors for each lepton, combine them and use .Pt()
  2. Directly sum the pt values
    The leptons can be electrons or muons, e.g. for muons:
   //Find pt, eta, phi, energy for muon 1 and 2 (u1 and u2)
   pT_u1 = childl1 -> pt(); pT_u2 = childl2 -> pt();
   eta_u1 = childl1 -> eta(); eta_u2 = childl2 -> eta();
   phi_u1 = childl1 -> phi(); phi_u2 = childl2 -> phi();
   e_u1 = childl1 -> e(); e_u2 = childl2 -> e();

   //Define vectors
   vec_u1 = get_PtEtaPhiEVector(pT_u1, eta_u1, phi_u1, e_u1);
   vec_u2 = get_PtEtaPhiEVector(pT_u2, eta_u2, phi_u2, e_u2);
   vec_l1l2 = vec_u1 + vec_u2;

   //Two methods for the total pt
   pT_l1l2_m1 = vec_l1l2.Pt(); //method 1
   pT_l1l2_m2 = pT_u1 + pT_u2; //method 2

The difference between values from the two methods is usually small (<1%) but can be up to 10%, which seems larger than just a difference in rounding.

Which method is correct?
Perhaps I am misunderstanding how two transverse momenta should be added, or maybe .Pt() does not do what I expect?
Any help is appreciated!

All variables are initialized earlier in the code and get_PtEtaPhiEVector refers to the function:

// Create PtEtaPhiEVector from doubles
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiEVector get_PtEtaPhiEVector(double pT, double eta, double phi, double e){
    ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiEVector particle_vector(pT, eta, phi, e);
    return particle_vector;

The documentation for LorentzVector
explains .Pt() as “return the transverse spatial component sqrt ( X^2 + Y^2 )”, which seems like it refers to (Px, Py, Pz, E) vectors (apologies if this is something clear from a conversion a different coordinate system)


ROOT Version: 6.28/10
Platform: lxplus
Compiler: g++ (GCC) 13.1.0

Hello @4lplusMatt,
welcome on the ROOT forum!
What computing precision are you using? Can you provide the values of two vectors for which you notice a large difference in the result?

Hello @mdessole,

Thank you!

I think it is in double since that’s what the LorentzVector class uses. Is there a way I can check?

Here are a couple examples (units are MeV):
u3u4: Method 1: 15289.7 | Method 2: 17080.1
u3u4: Difference: 1790.39 | %% difference: 10.4823

e3e4: Method 1: 28563.8 | Method 2: 32903.3
e3e4: Difference: 4339.53 | %% difference: 13.1888

I also attached the analysis code file and the printed output.
The calculations take place in lines 317-382 of the analysis file.
The above examples are lines 44-45 and 386-387 in the output file.

event-analysis.cxx (28.7 KB)
out.txt (24.2 KB)

Cheers, Matt

The first method is correct, i.e. pT_l1l2_m1 = vec_l1l2.Pt().

Using pt, eta, phi, E coordinates you can’t add vectors like you would do in cartesian coordinates, you have to take into account these relations x = pt*cos(phi) and y = pt*sin(phi)

Yes here they are:

1st example
u3 (Pt, Eta, Phi, E): (14128.4, -1.35277, -1.05362, 29151.7,)
u4 (Pt, Eta, Phi, E): (2951.73, 0.959817, -2.31431, 4420.27,)
u3u4 (Pt, Eta, Phi, E): (15289.7, -1.1682, -1.23851, 33571.9,)
u3u4: Method 1: 15289.7 | Method 2: 17080.1
u3u4: Difference: 1790.39 | %% difference: 10.4823

2nd example
e3 (Pt, Eta, Phi, E): (22339.4, 1.83381, 0.512155, 71681.2,)
e4 (Pt, Eta, Phi, E): (10563.9, 1.09899, -0.608764, 17611.9,)
e3e4 (Pt, Eta, Phi, E): (28563.8, 1.77911, 0.172631, 89293.1)
e3e4: Method 1: 28563.8 | Method 2: 32903.3
e3e4: Difference: 4339.53 | %% difference: 13.1888

As reported above, you should use the Pt() method after summing your vectors, this will work regardless of the coordinate system

Ah ok so the naïve sum was incorrect.

Thank you very much!

Kind regards, Matt