Dictionary for templated operator<<


I’m trying to generate a dictionary for a templated operator<<:

[code]class A { };

inline operator<<(const A& a, const T& b)
// bla

#pragma link C++ function operator<< (const A&, const B&);[/code]

This worked fine. But now I need to put the operator<< definition into a namespace:

[code]namespace N
class A { };

inline operator<<(const A& a, const T& b)
// bla

How does the pragma look like in this case? I tried all combinations of namespace qualifying in the pragma that came to my mind, but none of them work. Rootcint always gives me an error that it cannot find the corresponding function.

Btw, it would be very helpful if there was some kind of real documentation for these kind of things. Maybe there is already some, but up to now I could not find any.



#pragma link C++ function N::operator<<(const A&, const B&);should have worked.

See Cint Reference Guide for some detailed documentation on the use of pragmas (and other CINT functions).
