Definition of Jackson Angle

Dear Experts,

I am studying the reaction p(beam)+p(target) → p + K + Lambda.

I have a question on how to define the Jackson angle (explained in “” section 2.3.2). Basically it is the polar angle between the daughter proton and the proton beam in the rest frame of the Lambda and the daughter proton..

What I am doing is:

//  make a copy of the original 4-vector
TLorentzVector Proton(p), pbeam(pbeam);
//  define the rest frame of Proton+Lambda
TLorentzVector System(Proton + Lambda);
// boost Proton and pbeam into the System

float JacksonAngle = pbeam.Vect().Dot(Proton.Vect()) / (pbeam.Vect().Mag()*Proton.Vect().Mag());

I was wondering if this is the correct way to do it?!

Many thanks in advance

At first sight it looks correct to me, but I will check if it is what expected, for example looking at the sum of the transformed 4 vectors of proton and lambda that should be equal to zero


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