Defining Solid Medium in Garfield++

Hello Everyone,

I am simulating an ion chamber in Garfield++ to get the drift lines and signal generated at the Strips.
The detector’s geometry will be concentric air cylinders drilled in a Solid PMMA(PlexiGlass, C5O2H8) plate.
I want to define the Solid Medium in Garfield++ but I can only find Mediums for Silicon, Galium Arsenide, and Diamond.

Is there a way that I can define the Solid by setting the Composition and density the same way it is done in Geant4?

Thank you.


Adding in the loop @hschindl .


Dear @Khalil_Alashy

With a medium in garfield++ we intend an active medium in which free charges can be created and transported (moved through the medium). This is the case for gas and solid state marerials such as Si,Ge,GaAs and Diamond. There will be no drift lines inside the PMMA. Instead you will have to declare a gas medium for the air cylinders in which the electrons will drift.
Kind regards
Piet Verwilligen

Thank you for the help.
I have simply defined the air cylinders and left the remaining area blank since there will be no activity in the plexiglass.

Thank you.

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