Dcap problem


Sorry if this is the wrong list to submit to, but I have a problem with root and dcap:

root dcap:///pnfs/iihe/cms/store/user/ghammad/CMSSW2110/PF2PAT/PF2PAT_3.root

dlopen error: /swmgrs/cmss/slc4_ia32_gcc345/lcg/root/5.18.00a-cms13//lib/libDCache.so: undefined symbol: _ZN14TDirectoryFile6BrowseEP8TBrowser
Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /swmgrs/cmss/slc4_ia32_gcc345/lcg/root/5.18.00a-cms13//lib/libDCache.so
Warning in TApplication::GetOptions: file dcap:///pnfs/iihe/cms/store/user/ghammad/CMSSW2110/PF2PAT/PF2PAT_3.root not found

I checked that all files exist and have the correct permissions. Does anybody have an idea?

Kind regards,


It looks like you forgot to link your application with libRIO.


Hi Rene,

thanks for your answer.
However, it is root at the command line, not an application I compiled. Does this means that I need to recompile root? Btw, i can open the file if I copy it to a lokal disk, with the same version of root.

Kind regards,



it turns out a dependency in the Makefile was missing for dCache and libRIO was not loaded. To fix this add in $ROOTSYS/lib/libDCache.rootmap:

Library.TDCacheFile: libDCache.so libRIO.so
Library.TDCacheSystem: libDCache.so libRIO.so

It has been fixed in the Makefile in the trunk.

Cheers, Fons.

Hi Rene,

works like a charm!

Thanks a lot.
