Data paths


I’m doing a small project this semester using ROOT to analyze a TTree of a pPb collision. However the file I have isn’t quite what I want. A colleague has emailed me the data path of the .root file they used for a very similar project. I was wondering how to find these files from the data path given. I have a CERN account I can login to, but I don’t see where they would have all these files stored if any at all. Maybe this isn’t the place to ask this, in that case I apologize, if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.


Hi Zac,

how does the path look like?
It is likely to be accessible with a remote protocol: did you have a look to … iles.ipynb ?


Hi Danilo,

Thanks for the reply.
This is the exact path:

root://eoscms//eos//cms/store/group/phy … _3_19.root

I had a look at the link you’ve provided. I tried it and this is what I got back:

root [5] TFile::Open(“root://eoscms//eos//cms/store/group/phys_heavyions/krajczar/pPb_Mu12_Forest_CMSSW_5_3_19.root”)
Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: NetxNG[.so | .dll | .dylib | .sl | .dl | .a] does not exist in /home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:.:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib::/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/cint/cint/stl
Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: NetxNG[.so | .dll | .dylib | .sl | .dl | .a] does not exist in /home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:.:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib::/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/cint/cint/stl
(class TFile*)0x0
root [6]


so, this is eos.
You can follow the instructions present in the aforementioned page: … iles.ipynb
Let us know if you encounter problems.



Yes I tried it after having a look at the page. This is what I tried: TFile *a = TFile::Open(“datapath”) and below is what I got back:

root [7] TFile *a = TFile::Open(“root://eoscms//eos//cms/store/phys_heavyions/krajczar/pPb_Mu12_Forest_CMSSW_5_3_19.root”)
Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: NetxNG[.so | .dll | .dylib | .sl | .dl | .a] does not exist in /home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:.:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib::/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/cint/cint/stl
Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: NetxNG[.so | .dll | .dylib | .sl | .dl | .a] does not exist in /home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib:.:/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/lib::/home/zlan345/v5-34-00-patches/cint/cint/stl
root [8]



the plugin for reading files on eos is not present in your installation.
Can you install xrootd and configure with -Dxrootd=ON (–enable-xrootd if you are not using cmake)?
Alternatively, you can use a full CMSSW stack, which includes root with all the cms environment.


So I’ve installed xrootd, gotten a CERN certificate and moved it into a .globus directory like the CERN workbook page says, I’ve connected to the grid with my lxplus account. Now I’m trying to open the file in there. Am I doing that the right way? I still can’t get anything to come up when I use the voms-proxy-init command, and when I try to open the file on the grid I’m not exactly sure what to enter in but here’s what I’ve done and this is what it has given me.

  • Welcome to, SLC, 6.7
  • Archive of news is available in /etc/motd-archive
  • Reminder: You have agreed to comply with the CERN computing rules
  • Puppet environment: production
  • Puppet hostgroup: bi/inter/plus/live/login
  • LXPLUS Public Login Service

[zlane@lxplus0101 ~]$ voms-proxy-init --voms cms
No credentials found!
[zlane@lxplus0101 ~]$ TFile *a = TFile::Open(“root://”)
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(’

edit: just realized I wasn’t in root when trying to open the file, but when I try to run in the grid it gives me

root [2] TFile *a = TFile::Open(“root://”)
151021 09:43:39 19642 secgsi_InitProxy: cannot access private key file: /afs/
Error in TNetXNGFile::Open: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Permission denied

root [3]


Hi Zac,
this looks like a misconfiguration and not a ROOT problem.
Is the file at all accessible?