Creating and using TVector3's in a TTree

Hi all, new to ROOT and my first post so please excuse anything I ask which may seem trivial.

I am having some issues in trying to put TVector3’s in a TTree and then accessing later. After searching around here, (I think) I determined from this thread ([url]Filling a TVector3 into a TTree that I want to fill the Tree as such:

TVector3* r1 = new TVector3; TFile *f = new TFile("VDB.root","RECREATE"); TTree *tree = new TTree("VDB","VDB Tube Positions"); tree->Branch("r1","TVector3",&r1);
where my object r1 is a pointer.

However I was also a little confused when comparing this to the tutorial hvector.C ) where a a different type of vector, std::vector, is filled in a tree. There the object there is created by:

std::vector<float> vpx; TTree *t = new TTree("tvec","Tree with vectors"); t->Branch("vpx",&vpx);
where vpx is not a pointer. Are these two types of vectors completely different such that you need to use a pointer for one but not the other? Some clarification would be nice.

My other problem comes when I try to read this tree in a different MACRO. What I want to be able to do is read the TVector3 out of the TTree and then use normal operators (+,-,=, etc.) with other TVector3’s initiated in the new MACRO. I am unsure of the proper way to do this, and any way I have tried so far has resulted in a segmentation violation. Here is what I’ve tried which I thought had the best potential

TVector3* r1; TChain *chain = new TChain("VDB"); chain->Add("VDB.root"); chain->SetBranchAddress("r1",&r1);
This gives a segmentation violation and presents a problem when I want to add this to a TVector3 from that MACRO since now r1 is a pointer. I also tried doing this where r1 is not a pointer, again sementation violation.

Thanks for the help.

[quote]Are these two types of vectors completely different such that you need to use a pointer for one but not the other? Some clarification would be nice.[/quote]This code fragments are example of 2 of the possible syntax and are both useable for all types. [quote]TVector3* r1;
TChain *chain = new TChain(“VDB”);
chain->SetBranchAddress(“r1”,&r1);[/quote]You must initialize the pointer:TVector3* r1 = 0; // or = new TVector3();otherwise the result in unpredictable.

[quote]I also tried doing this where r1 is not a pointer, again sementation violation.[/quote]SetBranchAddress does not yet support the not pointer form.


Thanks for the clarification on the two types of syntax.

Got the code to work from initializing as suggested.

Thanks again.