Creating a TH1 type branch error

Hi all, my program is throwing the error: Error in <TClass::New>: cannot create object of class TH1 but seems to be producing the expected output, which also behaves correctly. However, I believe this is causing some problems when I try to manipulate the output with a DataFrame (see my previous question here: Attaching vector as a branch to an existing TTree). Below are the lines I believe might have something to do with it, along with the line throwing the error commented.

TH1* pdfs[N];
    for(int ih = 0; ih < N; ih++){
        pdfs[ih] = nullptr;
	for (unsigned int imodel = 0; imodel < N; imodel++) {
    _tree_pars->Branch(model_name.c_str(), &(pdfs[imodel]), 32000, 0); //This is the line creating the error. 

Then an example where pdfs[imodel] is used later:

TH1D *curr_pdf = (TH1D *) array->FindObject(name.Data());
pdfs[imodel] = (TH1*) curr_pdf;

Thank you!
Best wishes,


_tree_pars->Branch(model_name.c_str(), &(pdfs[imodel]), 32000, 0);

the branch name does not depend on imodel. It looks like several branches are created with the same name, which might be the cause of the error.

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I apologise, the full bit of that code is:

 for (unsigned int imodel = 0; imodel < N; imodel++) {
                   GenericSingleSampleFitModel *this_model = (GenericSingleSampleFitModel *)(cm->GetSubModel(imodel));
                   conv::Detector_t d = this_model->GetDetector();
                   conv::BeamConf_t b = this_model->GetBeam();
                   conv::Sample_t s = this_model->GetSample();
                   conv::KineSpace_t ks = this_model->GetKineSpace();
                   std::string model_name = util::nm::MdlName(d, b, s, ks);
                   _tree_pars->Branch(model_name.c_str(), &(pdfs[imodel]), 32000, 0); //This is the line creating the error.

model_name does change with imodel and I’ve checked that the branches do indeed have different names.

Could it be at when you call _tree_pars->Branch, pdfs[imodel] still points to nullptr? In this case, TTree only sees the abstract base class TH1 which, unlike the derived classes TH1D, TH1F, cannot be created in memory.

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That definitely seems sensible, do you have a suggested work around for this?

You could create a (possibly empty) histogram in pdfs[imodel] before calling TTree::Branch(). Or perhaps you can make pdfs[imodel] a vector of the concrete histogram classes, e.g. std::vector<TH1D *> instead of std::vector<TH1 *>.

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Thanks! I’ll try the first suggestion first. I think the second suggestion would be stopped by the fact I later fill it with both TH1D and TH2D objects.

Yep the first one worked! This was the exact solution:
EDIT: This caused some problems with later plotting of TH2D hists, experimenting around with a fix.

TH1* pdfs[N];
   TH1D* blankhist = new TH1D;
   for(int ih = 0; ih < N; ih++){
       pdfs[ih] = blankhist;
     //  pdfs[ih] = nullptr;

So the problem was indeed it having a nullptr to the abstract base class TH1. Unfortunately as I needed the branches to interchange between TH1D and TH2D later on, just setting the array to be filled with an empty hist of either type caused problems. In the end I solved it by placing the construction of the branch after each entry was sorted into the object types, and created a bool to make sure that the loop did not repeatedly create the branches. Thank you for all your help!

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