Hello rooters,
I have a set of (x,y)
points that are part of a distribution, so I want to make a histogram. The binning is variable but I don’t know how it got created.
What I have is the bin center and the bin content.
Is there a way to read this ascii file and make a histogram out of the points?
It looks like an easy thing to do, but I can’t get my head around it!
I tried in the past (Create histogram with a varying binning knowing BinCenter) but with no success.
A TGraph
wouldn’t work, because conceptually it is a distribution and also I would like to use TH1
functions down the road.
That’s how my data points look like:
Bin Center Bin Content
1.8685E-10 1.8574E+06
3.2121E-10 4.5234E+06
5.7568E-10 2.2107E+07
9.8964E-10 1.0395E+08
1.7737E-09 3.5861E+08
3.0490E-09 1.4443E+09
5.6971E-09 4.4367E+09
1.0211E-08 1.1674E+10
1.7553E-08 3.3190E+10
3.2797E-08 7.1969E+10
5.6381E-08 1.1450E+11
1.0105E-07 1.0598E+11
1.8110E-07 4.5234E+10
3.2457E-07 9.6204E+09
5.8171E-07 5.3838E+09
1.0000E-06 5.3838E+09
1.8685E-06 4.9829E+09
3.0810E-06 4.9829E+09
5.7568E-06 4.2683E+09
1.0757E-05 4.1062E+09
1.7737E-05 3.9504E+09
3.1788E-05 3.9504E+09
5.4646E-05 4.1062E+09
1.0211E-04 3.6562E+09
1.8300E-04 3.6562E+09
3.1458E-04 3.1318E+09
5.6381E-04 3.1318E+09
1.0105E-03 3.1318E+09
1.8110E-03 3.0129E+09
3.1132E-03 2.6827E+09
5.8171E-03 2.5809E+09
1.0426E-02 2.3886E+09
1.7922E-02 2.0461E+09
3.2121E-02 2.7885E+09
5.7568E-02 1.5605E+09
9.8964E-02 2.1268E+09
1.8491E-01 2.5809E+09
3.1788E-01 3.1318E+09
5.6971E-01 3.6562E+09
1.0211E+00 4.4367E+09
1.7553E+00 4.4367E+09
3.1458E+00 3.0129E+09
5.6381E+00 1.5605E+09
1.0105E+01 5.2807E+08
1.7371E+01 2.3886E+07