Create a new root file using a cutg

There is a hsimple.root file in the tutorials folder, it have a 2-D histogram “hpxpy”, in which I created a cutg. TCutG *cutg = new TCutG("CUTG",10); cutg->SetVarX("py vs px"); cutg->SetVarY(""); cutg->SetPoint(0,0.963636,2.71267); cutg->SetPoint(1,1.79091,2.67486); cutg->SetPoint(2,1.81818,1.8431); cutg->SetPoint(3,1.58182,0.916824); cutg->SetPoint(4,1.33636,0.57656); cutg->SetPoint(5,0.972727,0.860113); cutg->SetPoint(6,0.772727,1.3138); cutg->SetPoint(7,0.7,2.08885); cutg->SetPoint(8,0.718182,2.31569); cutg->SetPoint(9,0.963636,2.71267);
Now how to using the cutg as the conditon to create a new hsimple.root file?

Any help is appreciated!

Ertao Lee

[quote]Now how to using the cutg as the conditon to create a new hsimple.root file?[/quote]What do you mean/need? If you want to extract the subset of information from the original data set (the ‘ntuple’ tree) see TTree::CopyTree.
