Could not get histos in subdirectories of a root file


I have attached a root file where I have a directory "PIDqa", Inside that a doubly linked list "PIDqa1" and inside that linked list, I have directories "TPC", "TOF",  etc and inside all these directories(TPC,TOF etc) I have histograms.

I am not able to get those histograms, by using a macro.

Could anyone suggest me ?

Thanks and regards,


[quote]Inside that a doubly linked list “PIDqa1” and inside that linked list, I have directories “TPC”, “TOF”,[/quote]I either do not understand what you mean or I do not know how you manage to actually create this file (i.e. ‘putting a directory’ inside a list and then storing that list is ‘hard’ to do).

The ‘usual’ way (with regular nested directory) to use is:TFile file("datafile.root"); file->cd("TPC"); TH1F *hist; gDirectory->GetObject("datahist",hist);
