CoreText Font Warning on MacOS 10.9

Hi, I just upgraded my Mac OS to 10.9 from 10.7, re-installed ROOT from MacPorts, and now I always get this message when using graphical ROOT:

[code]* ROOT v5.34/17 *

root [0] TH1F h(“h”,“h”,10,0,10)
root [1] h.Fill(5)
root [2] h.Draw()
2014-03-03 16:48:40.280 root.exe[89838:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name “helvetica” and got font with PostScript name “Helvetica”. For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
2014-03-03 16:48:40.281 root.exe[89838:507] CoreText performance note: Set a breakpoint on CTFontLogSuboptimalRequest to debug.
2014-03-03 16:48:40.336 root.exe[89838:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name “helvetica” and got font with PostScript name “Helvetica”. For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
2014-03-03 16:48:40.340 root.exe[89838:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name “courier” and got font with PostScript name “Courier”. For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
2014-03-03 16:48:40.341 root.exe[89838:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name “helvetica” and got font with PostScript name “Helvetica”. For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
Info in TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1

Is it really this verbose because of capitalizing of the name of the font? And this is on an OS that uses a case-instensitive file system! Anyways, the warning is annoying, is there a way to fix it?


That’s weird. I’ve fixed this problem as soon as I got an early access to 10.9 more than half a year ago and I do not see this warning on my Mac (with your code). Yes it’s an annoying and stupid warning I’m trying to suppress.

The ROOT you have from MacPorts was not built for 10.9, that’s why you have these warnings.