ROOT Version: 6.32.02
Platform: win64
Compiler: MSVC 19.39.33521.0
For a while I’ve been working with a relatively large ROOT file, so naturally my computer takes a bit to run code over 10s of millions of events. Instead of placing cuts on the data (phi mass, Proton momentum, etc.) within my macro, I’d like to write a script that “filters through” the events and produces a smaller root file that only contains the events that satisfy the requirements.
How would I go about copying an entire event to a new file?
Here is what I have so far:
TFile *filein = new TFile("flat_pi0pippim__B4.root");
TTree *tree = (TTree *)filein->Get("pi0pippim__B4;1");
TFile *cutFile = new TFile("flat_pi0pippim__B4_cut.root", "RECREATE");
UInt_t kin_ndf;
float kin_chisq;
float Mandelstam_t;
TLorentzVector *beam_p4_kin = 0;
TLorentzVector *g1_p4_kin = 0;
TLorentzVector *g2_p4_kin = 0;
TLorentzVector *p_p4_kin = 0;
TLorentzVector *pim_p4_kin = 0;
TLorentzVector *pip_p4_kin = 0;
tree->SetBranchAddress("beam_p4_kin", &beam_p4_kin);
tree->SetBranchAddress("g1_p4_kin", &g1_p4_kin);
tree->SetBranchAddress("g2_p4_kin", &g2_p4_kin);
tree->SetBranchAddress("p_p4_kin", &p_p4_kin);
tree->SetBranchAddress("pim_p4_kin", &pim_p4_kin);
tree->SetBranchAddress("pip_p4_kin", &pip_p4_kin);
tree->SetBranchAddress("kin_ndf", &kin_ndf);
tree->SetBranchAddress("kin_chisq", &kin_chisq);
TLorentzVector BeamP4, TargetP4, Gamma1P4, Gamma2P4, Pi0P4, ProtonP4, PiMinusP4, PiPlusP4, PhiP4;
Long64_t NEntries = tree->GetEntries();
cout << "There are " << NEntries << " entries." << endl;
for (Long64_t i_entry = 0; i_entry < NEntries; i_entry++) {
if (i_entry % 1000000 == 0) {
cout << i_entry << " events processed" << endl;
BeamP4.SetPxPyPzE(beam_p4_kin->Px(), beam_p4_kin->Py(), beam_p4_kin->Pz(), beam_p4_kin->E());
ProtonP4.SetPxPyPzE(p_p4_kin->Px(), p_p4_kin->Py(), p_p4_kin->Pz(), p_p4_kin->E());
PiMinusP4.SetPxPyPzE(pim_p4_kin->Px(), pim_p4_kin->Py(), pim_p4_kin->Pz(), pim_p4_kin->E());
PiPlusP4.SetPxPyPzE(pip_p4_kin->Px(), pip_p4_kin->Py(), pip_p4_kin->Pz(), pip_p4_kin->E());
Gamma1P4.SetPxPyPzE(g1_p4_kin->Px(), g1_p4_kin->Py(), g1_p4_kin->Pz(), g1_p4_kin->E());
Gamma2P4.SetPxPyPzE(g2_p4_kin->Px(), g2_p4_kin->Py(), g2_p4_kin->Pz(), g2_p4_kin->E());
TargetP4.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, 0, 0.938272);
double ProtonMom = ProtonP4.P();
Pi0P4 = Gamma1P4 + Gamma2P4;
PhiP4 = PiPlusP4 + PiMinusP4 + Pi0P4;
double PhiMass = PhiP4.M();
Mandelstam_t = (ProtonP4 - TargetP4) * (ProtonP4 - TargetP4);
if ((kin_chisq / kin_ndf) < 6 && -Mandelstam_t < 1 && PhiMass > 0.9 && PhiMass < 1.14 && ProtonMom > 0.3) {
~~~Do Something Here!!!~~~
I’m not entirely sure how to get ALL of the information for a given event and write it to the new file in an efficient way.