Controlling window location

Our monitioring screen consists of 3 ROOT gui applications. Currently the user has to start the applications and then reposition them.

Does ROOT provide a way to tell a gui window when to position itself on the screen?

screen capture


I moved your post from ‘My ROOT App’ section to ‘ROOT Support’ because this section is reserved for the announcements of user applications based on ROOT.

[quote]Does ROOT provide a way to tell a gui window when to position itself on the screen? [/quote]Yes, you can get the display width and height and according to your specific design you can calculate the (x,y) coordinate of each application window (a TGMainFrame object) and set it to that position, i.e. for the general case: UInt_t dw = fClient->GetDisplayWidth(); UInt_t dh = fClient->GetDisplayHeight(); // calculate window position MoveResize(x, y, w, h); // or only Move(x, y) if resize is not needed SetWMPosition(x, y);
Cheers, Ilka