Confusion on using TRandom3

Hi, I am new to ROOT, and I was learning how to use TRandom3. All I want to do is see how it works, and if I can generate some random numbers. I tried the following two codes:

TRandom3 rand(0);   
  for (Int_t i = 0; i<10; i++){   
    Double_t ran = rand.Rndm();  
    Double_t ran1 = rand.Rndm();


When I run it, it works fine.

Then, I made a slight modification to and had the following:

TRandom3 rand(0);   
  for (Int_t i = 0; i<10; i++){   
    Double_t ran = rand.gaus(1,5);  
    Double_t ran1 = rand.gaus(2,6);


The second code does not work and gives the error:

Error: Can’t call TRandom3::gaus(1,5) in current scope randomnum1.C:21:
Possible candidates are…
(in TRandom3)
(in TRandom)
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

Could anyone help me understand why the second code does not work?

ROOT Version: 5.18
Platform: Ubuntu
Compiler: Not Provided

Well, a “gaus” is not a “Gaus”.

Oh yes. Thanks a lot.