I’m running into a problem where I don’t know how to tell root to run some for loops in parallel threads.
Currently my code
- Grabs a data file with a TTree called “Data_R”
- Assigns a variable “rt” to hook onto the “Time” branch values
- Then loops through the data where I just try to find the time difference between adjacent counts.
But I want it to
- Grabs a data file with a TTree called “Data_R”
- Assigns a variable “rt” to hook onto the “Time” branch values
- Splits the dataframe down into 6 pieces (if someone knows a better way to do this please let me know)
- Then loops through the separated data pieces where I just try to find the time difference between adjacent counts on individual threads and ideally lower the processing time.
Currently the code looks like
TFile *g0 = new TFile(fname.Data());
TTree *kListData = (TTree*)g0->Get("Data_R");
ULong64_t rt{0};
ROOT::RDataFrame data("Data_R",fname.Data());
auto Task1 = data.Range(0*count/6,1*count/6);
auto Task2 = data.Range(1*count/6,2*count/6);
auto Task3 = data.Range(2*count/6,3*count/6);
auto Task4 = data.Range(3*count/6,4*count/6);
auto Task5 = data.Range(4*count/6,5*count/6);
auto Task6 = data.Range(5*count/6,6*count/6);
for (Long64_t i = 0; i < kListData->GetEntries(); i++)
double r1 = rt;
double diff = 0;
diff = (rt - r1);
I’m not sure how to tell root to run the for loop for each of the “Task” dataframe on a individual thread. Can anyone tell me how?
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