Configuring Pythia 8 with ROOT 6, TH1.D missing


I’m trying to configure pythia 8 with ROOT 6 using the following:

./configure --with-root=/usr/local/Cellar/root6/6.08.06_1/

However, I get this warning instead:

WARNING: Disabling ROOT - header TH1D.h missing.

Would anyone know how to solve this?

Try to:
find /usr/local/Cellar/root6/6.08.06_1/ -name root.exe -print
find /usr/local/Cellar/root6/6.08.06_1/ -name TH1D.h -print


And the root.exe file can be found in bin as expected.

I’m not sure why it does not find the TH1D.h. I already made a copy to the parent directory.

Thanks for your reply.


./configure --with-root=/usr/local/Cellar/root6/6.08.06_1 --with-root-include=/usr/local/Cellar/root6/6.08.06_1/include/root
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Thank you very much! It worked perfectly!

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