Compute Chi2 and Ks only in a subrange

Dear experts,

I have an histogram w/ range [0, 2], that I fit btw [0.5, 1], then I want to compute chi2 and ks, like in [*]. I wonder if:

  • the reduce chi2 is actually computed btw [0.5, 1]?
  • the ks is computed btw [0.5,1]?



void fit(){
TH1D *hrsp=new TH1D (“hrsp”, “”, 250, 0, 2);
testfit = new TF1(“testfit”,, 0., 2.);

hrsp->Fit(testfit, “Q0”, “”, 0.5, 1); // fit btw [0.5,1]

chi2 = testfit->GetChisquare()/max(1, testfit->GetNDF()); // is it btw [0.5,1]??
ks=hrsp->KolmogorovTest(testfit->GetHistogram()); // is it btw [0.5,1]??

Dear experts,

does someone know the answer for that question?
