Composite shape not rendering well in opengl viewer

My script (see 3rd post) produces a composite shape made out of the union of four translated and rotated hyperboloids and then intersected with a box.

However the opengl viewer fails to render it correctly.

Could you provide the shortest possible script reproducing this problem?


This isn’t the shortest script I could have written for this part of my code, but it’s fairly simple. After several tests it turned out it works perfectly with both CINT and ACLiC. I have errors elsewhere in my longer code. I do want to point out another problem I have been having, in fact, I’ll rename the post accordingly.

This script is supposed to draw four hyperboloids, rotate them so that each lies along the +x,-x,+y and -y axis and displace them by 3.5 cm from the center. Then It’s supposed to created a composite shape out of the union of these hyperboloids and an intersection with a box.

You can see what I’m talking about from the Draw output from the script. Now my issue comes when I click on the view menu and select to use an opengl viewer. The 3D shape is not correctly rendered (specifically one of the hyperboloids doesn’t show). If I try to raytracing it works well, but the opengl viewer doesn’t seem to work.

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TRotation.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
#include "TGeoMedium.h"
#include "TGeoVolume.h"
#include "TGeoNode.h"
#include "TGeoShape.h"
#include "TGeoBBox.h"
#include "TGeoHype.h"
#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"

const Double_t pi = TMath::Pi();					// Pi
const Double_t h = TMath::H();						// Planck's constant
Double_t lam = 780 * 1e-9;						// Wavelength ( 780 nm )
Double_t molcham_rmin = 5.870 * 0.0254 / 2;				// Inner radius of the molasses chamber
Double_t molcham_rmax = 6 * 0.0254 / 2;					// Outer radius of the molasses chamber
Double_t w0lens[4] = { 1.16e-6 , 1.16e-6 , 1.16e-6 , 1.16e-6 };		// Waist of laser beams
Double_t zrlens[4];							// Rayleigh length per beam
Double_t beamdiverlens[4];						// Beam divergence
Double_t lenswidth;							// Average spot size of beams at center
TVector3 clens( -0.0001075 , 0.00 , 0.01 ); 				// Position lens center
TVector3 w0lenspos[4];							// Position of waist of laser beams
TVector3 klens[4];							// Wavevector of laser beams

void chamber_geom()
	//------Beam geometry (all lengths must be in centimeters)------//

	for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ )
		klens[i].SetX( 1 );

		klens[i].SetMag( 1 / lam );

		klens[i].SetTheta( pi / 2 );

		if ( i < 2 )

			klens[i].SetPhi( i * pi );


			klens[i].SetPhi( ( 2 * i - 3 ) * pi / 2 );

		w0lenspos[i] = - klens[i].Unit();

		w0lenspos[i].SetMag( 0.035 );

		zrlens[i] = pi * pow ( w0lens[i] , 2 ) / lam;

		lenswidth += w0lens[i] * sqrt( 1 + pow( w0lenspos[i].Mag() / zrlens[i] , 2 ) ) / 4;

		beamdiverlens[i] = atan( lam / ( pi * w0lens[i] ) ) * 180 / pi;

	//------Definition of top volume corresponding to a cube circumscribing the internal region of the molasses vacuum chamber------//

	TGeoManager *mgr = new TGeoManager( "chamber" , "Simple geometry" );

	TGeoMedium *medium = 0;

	TGeoVolume *top = mgr->MakeBox( "top" , medium , 100 * molcham_rmin , 100 * molcham_rmin , 100 * molcham_rmin );

	mgr->SetTopVolume( top );

	//------Rotations and translations to be performed on hyperboloid base------//

	//------Rotations are in GEANT3 style, 3 pairs of angles, corresponding to angular position of the new axes------//

	TGeoRotation *rot1 = new TGeoRotation( "rot1", 90. , 90. , 0. , 0. , 90. , 0. );

	TGeoRotation *rot2 = new TGeoRotation( "rot2", 90. , 90. , 180. , 0. , 90. , 0. );

	TGeoRotation *rot3 = new TGeoRotation( "rot3", 90. , 0. , 180. , 0. , 90. , 90. );

	TGeoRotation *rot4 = new TGeoRotation( "rot4", 90. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 90. , 90. ); 

	//------Combination of translations and rotations (laser lens)------//

	Double_t centerlens[3] = { clens.X() * 100 , clens.Y() * 100 , clens.Z() * 100 };

	TGeoCombiTrans *combi11 = new TGeoCombiTrans( "combi11" , w0lenspos[0].X() * 100 + centerlens[0] , w0lenspos[0].Y() * 100 + centerlens[1] , w0lenspos[0].Z() * 100 + centerlens[2] , rot1 );

	TGeoCombiTrans *combi21 = new TGeoCombiTrans( "combi21" , w0lenspos[1].X() * 100 + centerlens[0] , w0lenspos[1].Y() * 100 + centerlens[1] , w0lenspos[1].Z() * 100 + centerlens[2] , rot2 );

	TGeoCombiTrans *combi31 = new TGeoCombiTrans( "combi31" , w0lenspos[2].X() * 100 + centerlens[0] , w0lenspos[2].Y() * 100 + centerlens[1] , w0lenspos[2].Z() * 100 + centerlens[2] , rot3 );

	TGeoCombiTrans *combi41 = new TGeoCombiTrans( "combi41" , w0lenspos[3].X() * 100 + centerlens[0] , w0lenspos[3].Y() * 100 + centerlens[1] , w0lenspos[3].Z() * 100 + centerlens[2] , rot4 );





	//------Basic shapes: a hyperboloid for each beam and a box as constraint (laser lens)------//

	TGeoBBox *lensbox = new TGeoBBox( "lensbox" , ( w0lenspos[0].Mag() + w0lenspos[1].Mag() ) * 100 / 2 , ( w0lenspos[2].Mag() + w0lenspos[3].Mag() ) * 100 / 2 , lenswidth * 100 , centerlens );

	TGeoHype *beam11 = new TGeoHype( "beam11" , 0 , 0 , w0lens[0] * 100 , beamdiverlens[0] , w0lenspos[0].Mag() * 100 );

	TGeoHype *beam21 = new TGeoHype( "beam21" , 0 , 0 , w0lens[1] * 100 , beamdiverlens[1] , w0lenspos[1].Mag() * 100 );

	TGeoHype *beam31 = new TGeoHype( "beam31" , 0 , 0 , w0lens[2] * 100 , beamdiverlens[2] , w0lenspos[2].Mag() * 100 );

	TGeoHype *beam41 = new TGeoHype( "beam41" , 0 , 0 , w0lens[3] * 100 , beamdiverlens[3] , w0lenspos[3].Mag() * 100 );

	//------Composite shape: translation + rotation of each hyperboloid intersected with box (laser lens)------//

	TGeoCompositeShape *lensbeams = new TGeoCompositeShape( "lensbeams" , "( beam11:combi11 + beam21:combi21 + beam31:combi31 + beam41:combi41 ) * lensbox" );

	TGeoVolume *laserlens = new TGeoVolume( "laserlens" , lensbeams );

	laserlens->SetLineColor( kRed );

	top->AddNode( laserlens , 1 );





Looks like reflection matrices (you are using 2) are not correctly handled by the GL viewer. I modified your macro to replace them and the rendering is correct. Until this gets fixed, just avoid using reflections.

chamber_geom.C (5.14 KB)

Thanks a lot. It works well now. However this should be reported as a bug no?

Yes please.