Compiling version 5.22

Hi I tried to compile root version 5.22 and I found 2 points for debian etch:

  • it requires qt > 4.3 (when in the docs qt 3 is required). Currently I modified to accept qt 4.2: it works and runs.
  • if I disable builtin ftgl library than 2 files need to be patched to include the right includes:

[code]# include <FTGL/FTGL.h>

include <FTGL/FTFont.h>

include <FTGL/FTGLExtrdFont.h>

include <FTGL/FTGLOutlineFont.h>

include <FTGL/FTGLPolygonFont.h>

include <FTGL/FTGLTextureFont.h>

include <FTGL/FTGLPixmapFont.h>

include <FTGL/FTGLBitmapFont.h>[/code]

has to be added to TGLFontManager.cxx and to TGLText.cxx (instead of the # include <FTGL/ftgl.h> line).

Hope this can help who wants to compile on debian stable.


The configure script/output has been changed to work with the new debian release which uses ftgl-2.1.3. Can you update the package?
I’ve contacted the authors of this change to add additional check for the ftgl version.

Somebody else will reply about the qt.
