Please fill also the fields below. Note that root -b -q will tell you this info, and starting from 6.28/06 upwards, you can call .forum bug from the ROOT prompt to pre-populate a topic.
after re-installing root on a new computer, I installed my known working version of root 5 but was tempted to attempt to switch that to the latest version of Root 6 as above.
The rationale is that there is a binary version of root to download that says Visual Studio 2022 x64.
I speculated that if such a version is released then it would actually work. I was also promissed two years ago that some incompatibilities that existed at that time, would be resolved in the next version (two years ago).
So full of optimism I tried compiling my code with the above version of root. Compiler options are as follows
To be sure to be binary compatible, I would use the same flags than the ones used to build ROOT. You can type root-config --cflags on the command prompt to list them. For example:
Hi Bellenot, thanks for that, so I have recreated a project as a CMake project in VS and I did generate the root compile flags as you suggested from the root-config command.
Then, in the cmake file I print the current compiler options. I can reset those with the options that were indicated by the root-config command (and delete any options that are not mentioned).
The question is, do i leave the linker options as they are? There is nothing special about linker options I need to take care of correct?