Compiling ROOT 6.18.04 with GCC 9.2.0 on lxplus

Dear Rooters,

I cant compile ROOT 6.18.04 with GCC 9.2.0 on lxplus. I am configuring the project using the command
cmake -Dminuit2=ON -Ddavix=OFF -Dbuiltin_vdt=ON -Dbuiltin_tbb=ON ../root-6.18.04
which gives me the following output:

$ cmake -Dminuit2=ON -Ddavix=OFF -Dbuiltin_vdt=ON -Dbuiltin_tbb=ON ../root-6.18.04
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.2.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /cvmfs/
-- Check for working C compiler: /cvmfs/ -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /cvmfs/
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /cvmfs/ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "") 
-- ROOT default compression algorithm: zlib
-- Found GCC. Major version 9, minor version 2
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Found a 64bit system
-- Found GNU compiler collection
-- Performing Test GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI
-- Performing Test GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI - Success
-- ROOT Platform: linux
-- ROOT Architecture: linuxx8664gcc
-- Build Type: RelWithDebInfo
-- Compiler Flags:  -std=c++11 -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-noexcept-type -pipe  -Wshadow -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -pthread 
-- Looking for ZLib
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib64/ (found version "1.2.7") 
-- Looking for Freetype
-- Found Freetype: /usr/lib64/ (found version "2.8.0") 
-- Looking for PCRE
-- Found PCRE: /usr/include (found version "8.32") 
-- Looking for LZMA
-- Found LZMA includes at /usr/include
-- Found LZMA library at /usr/lib64/
-- Looking for xxHash
-- Could NOT find xxHash (missing: xxHash_LIBRARY xxHash_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- xxHash not found. Switching on builtin_xxhash option
-- Looking for LZ4
-- Could NOT find LZ4 (missing: LZ4_LIBRARY LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- LZ4 not found. Switching on builtin_lz4 option
-- Looking for X11
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/ - found
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for connect
-- Looking for connect - found
-- Looking for remove
-- Looking for remove - found
-- Looking for shmat
-- Looking for shmat - found
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found
-- Found X11: /usr/lib64/
-- X11_INCLUDE_DIR: /usr/include
-- X11_LIBRARIES: /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/
-- X11_Xpm_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/include
-- X11_Xpm_LIB: /usr/lib64/
-- X11_Xft_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/include
-- X11_Xft_LIB: /usr/lib64/
-- X11_Xext_INCLUDE_PATH: 
-- X11_Xext_LIB: /usr/lib64/
-- Could NOT find GIF (missing: GIF_LIBRARY GIF_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Found TIFF: /usr/lib64/ (found version "4.0.3") 
-- Found PNG: /usr/lib64/ (found version "1.5.13") 
-- Found JPEG: /usr/lib64/  
-- Building AfterImage library included in ROOT itself
-- Looking for GSL
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.27.1") 
-- Found GSL: /usr/include (found suitable version "1.15", minimum required is "1.10") 
-- Looking for python
-- Found PythonInterp: /cvmfs/ (found version "2.7.15") 
-- Found PythonLibs: /cvmfs/ (found version "2.7.15") 
-- Looking for OpenGL
-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib64/   
-- Looking for gl2ps
-- Could NOT find GL2PS (missing: GL2PS_LIBRARY GL2PS_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- gl2ps not found. Switching on builtin_gl2ps option
-- Looking for LibXml2
-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib64/ (found version "2.9.1") 
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib64/ (found version "1.0.2k") 
-- Looking for MySQL
-- Found MYSQL: /usr/include/mysql  
-- Looking for Oracle
-- Found sqlplus version:
-- Guessed ORACLE_OCI_VERSION value: 9
-- Oracle not found.
-- Oracle: You can specify includes: -DORACLE_PATH_INCLUDES=/usr/include/oracle/
--    currently found includes: 
-- Oracle: You can specify libs: -DORACLE_PATH_LIB=/usr/lib/oracle/
-- Oracle not found. Switching off oracle option
-- Looking for PostgreSQL
-- Could NOT find PostgreSQL (missing: PostgreSQL_LIBRARY PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- PostgreSQL not found. Switching off pgsql option
-- Looking for SQLite
-- Found Sqlite: /usr/include  
-- Looking for Pythia6
-- Pythia6 not found. Switching off pythia6 option
-- Looking for Pythia8
-- Could NOT find Pythia8 (missing: PYTHIA8_INCLUDE_DIR PYTHIA8_LIBRARY) 
-- Pythia8 not found. Switching off pythia8 option
-- Looking for FFTW3
-- Found fftw3 includes at /usr/include
-- Found fftw3 library at /usr/lib64/
-- Looking for CFITSIO
-- CFITSIO not found. You can enable the option 'builtin_cfitsio' to build the library internally'
--                    For the time being switching off 'fitsio' option
-- Looking for XROOTD
-- Found Xrootd version num: 4.10.1 (setting -DROOTXRDVERS=400100001)
--              libXrdMain not found: xproofd will be a wrapper around xrootd
--              include_dirs: /usr/include/xrootd;/afs/
--              libraries: /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/
-- Checking for module 'glib-2.0'
--   Found glib-2.0, version 2.56.1
-- Could NOT find GFAL (missing: SRM_IFCE_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- GFAL library not found. Set variable GFAL_DIR to point to your gfal installation
                      and the variable SRM_IFCE_DIR to the srm_ifce installation
-- For the time being switching OFF 'gfal' option
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_mno_rtm
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_mno_rtm - Success
-- Looking for BLAS for optional parts of TMVA
-- Looking for sgemm_
-- Looking for sgemm_ - found
-- Found BLAS: /usr/lib64/  
-- Looking for Numpy
-- Found NUMPY: /cvmfs/ (found version "1.14.2") 
-- Enabled support for:  asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_clang builtin_ftgl builtin_gl2ps builtin_glew builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_tbb builtin_vdt builtin_xxhash clad cling exceptions explicitlink fftw3 gdml http imt mathmore minuit2 mysql opengl pch python roofit shared sqlite ssl thread tmva tmva-cpu tmva-pymva vdt x11 xml xrootd
-- The ASM compiler identification is GNU
-- Found assembler: /cvmfs/
-- Looking for backtrace
-- Looking for backtrace - found
-- backtrace facility detected in default set of libraries
-- Found Backtrace: /usr/include  
-- Native target architecture is X86
-- Threads disabled.
-- Doxygen disabled.
-- Go bindings enabled.
-- LLVM host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- LLVM default target triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- Building with -fPIC
-- Constructing LLVMBuild project information
-- Linker detection: GNU ld
-- SysLibs: rt;dl;tinfo;-lpthread;/usr/lib64/
-- Targeting X86
-- Clang version: 5.0.0
-- Cling version (from VERSION file): ROOT_0.6~dev
-- Cling will look for C++ headers in '/cvmfs/' at runtime.
-- And if not found, will invoke: '/cvmfs/ ' for them.
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_maybe_uninitialized
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_maybe_uninitialized - Success
-- Performing Test __result
-- Performing Test __result - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_fno_rtti
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_fno_rtti - Success
Recording the git revision now
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_strict_overflow
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_strict_overflow - Success
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_maybe_uninitialized
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_maybe_uninitialized - Success
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_parentheses_equality
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_parentheses_equality - Success
-- Looking for m
-- Looking for m - not found
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_nonnull_compare
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_nonnull_compare - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_fno_strict_aliasing
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_fno_strict_aliasing - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_parentheses_equality
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_parentheses_equality - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_cast_function_type
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_cast_function_type - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_deprecated_register
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_deprecated_register - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_register
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_Wno_register - Success
-- Performing Test found_setresuid
-- Performing Test found_setresuid - Success
-- Performing Test found_stdstringview
-- Performing Test found_stdstringview - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdexpstringview
-- Performing Test found_stdexpstringview - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdapply
-- Performing Test found_stdapply - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdinvoke
-- Performing Test found_stdinvoke - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdindexsequence
-- Performing Test found_stdindexsequence - Failed
-- Performing Test found_attribute_always_inline
-- Performing Test found_attribute_always_inline - Success
-- Performing Test has_found_attribute_noinline
-- Performing Test has_found_attribute_noinline - Success
Running /afs/
Making /afs/
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /afs/

Then when I try to compile the errors below show up:

$ make
Scanning dependencies of target TBB
[  0%] Creating directories for 'TBB'
[  0%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'TBB'
-- TBB download command succeeded.  See also /afs/*.log
[  0%] Performing patch step for 'TBB'
[  0%] No update step for 'TBB'
[  0%] No configure step for 'TBB'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'TBB'
CMake Error at /afs/ (message):
  Command failed: 2

   'make' 'compiler=gcc' 'CXXFLAGS= -mno-rtm' 'CPLUS=/cvmfs/' 'CONLY=/cvmfs/'

  See also


make[2]: ** [TBB-prefix/src/TBB-stamp/TBB-build] Erro 1
make[1]: ** [CMakeFiles/TBB.dir/all] Erro 2
make: ** [all] Erro 2

I set the compilers using :

setenv CC /cvmfs/
setenv CXX /cvmfs/

The basic reason I am trying to compile my own ROOT in lxplus is to have minuit2 enabled.

Am I doing something wrong?
Please let me know.


Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code

_ROOT Version: 6.18.04
_Platform: lxplus7
_Compiler: GCC 9.2.0


what does it say in the log file that’s listed as “See also” in the error message?

TBB-build-err.log.c (4.1 KB) TBB-build-out.log.c (98 Bytes)

The files are in the attachments.


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