Ì think that page can still be improved a bit. In particular, for example, Visual Studio is huge and has a lot of components, and it’s not clear which one/s is/are really needed for ROOT (downloading everything just in case is not so nice, as it’s many, many GB).
I have not tried to compile ROOT on Windows 10, but at least I found in a test a couple of months ago that it ran by doing this:
1 - Download VS Community 2019 installer from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/
(select “develop for Desktop using C++ on my Windows machine”)
2 - Run VS installer, select component “Desktop development with C++”, leave all else as per default (needed disk space ~7-8 GB).
3 - Install ROOT with its .exe installer, let it add root/bin to path variable, or add it manually.
4 - ROOT should now run on any command prompt.
So I only added the “Desktop development with C++”, but even this one has many subcomponents which may or may not be needed, and I might be missing something else and just haven’t found out; or maybe a clean Windows install needs more (I already had other software, including MS Office, for instance, which may have installed some other needed stuff). And all this without trying to compile ROOT, as I mentioned.