Dear Experts,
I’ve just installed the RooUnfold package. I managed to run the example code as described on the github page (GitHub - roofit-dev/RooUnfold: A fork of for non-cern developers of the code base)
At the moment, I can only use the package if I use ROOT when I’m in the RooUnfold directory.
How can I use it elsewhere, and how do I compile a C++ code that contain the classes from RooUnfold?
Thank you very much,
Update: I figured out how to compile the code.
I need to pass the library name to the linker, as follow:
g++ -o test1 test1.C -I /path_to/RooUnfold/src -L /path_to/RooUnfold -l RooUnfold `root-config --cflags --libs`
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: 6.20 ( pre-compiled)
Platform: CentOS 7
Compiler: Not Provided