Compare two RDataFrame branch/column values


I’m trying to find out whether a value of an event of one dataset for a column/branch is present in another dataset for the same column/branch.

Currently I have the following C++ declared in pyROOT (as an example):

void multiple_candidates(ROOT::RDataFrame ws_df, ROOT::RDataFrame rs_df){
    ROOT::RDF::RNode ws_node = ws_df;
    ROOT::RDF::RNode rs_node = rs_df;
    ws_node = ws_node.Define("unique_event_number",[](const unsigned int& rn, const unsigned long long& en) -> unsigned long long {return 10e+9*rn+en;},{"runNumber","eventNumber"});
    rs_node = rs_node.Define("unique_event_number",[](const unsigned int& rn, const unsigned long long& en) -> unsigned long long {return 10e+9*rn+en;},{"runNumber","eventNumber"});
    std::vector<unsigned long long> uevs_ws;
    std::vector<unsigned long long> uevs_rs;

    ws_node.Foreach([&uevs_ws](const unsigned long long& uev){
    }, {"unique_event_number"});
    std::cout << "Length of WS uev vector: " << uevs_ws.size() << std::endl;

    rs_node.Foreach([&uevs_rs](const unsigned long long& uev){
    }, {"unique_event_number"});
    std::cout << "Length of RS uev vector: " << uevs_rs.size() << std::endl;
    //sort the uev vectors
    std::sort(uevs_ws.begin(), uevs_ws.end());
    std::sort(uevs_rs.begin(), uevs_rs.end());
    //find unique event numbers that are in both the RS and WS.
    std::vector<unsigned long long> common_uevs;
    std::set_intersection(uevs_ws.begin(), uevs_ws.end(), uevs_rs.begin(), uevs_rs.end(), std::back_inserter(common_uevs));
    //check if eventnumber is in common_uevs
//This is what I want to do. This doesn't work but perhaps it will with a lambda function???
 ws_node = ws_node.Define("in_both","std::binary_search(unique_event_number,common_uevs) );
 rs_node = rs_node.Define("in_both","std::binary_search(unique_event_number,common_uevs) );

It doesn’t seem to work using the method above but can it work with a lambda function? Is this the most efficient way to compare two dataframes?

_ROOT Version:v6.26.06

Hi Jcob,

First solution that comes to my mind is following:

import ROOT
import numpy as np

d1 = ROOT.RDataFrame(17).Define("x", "gRandom->Integer(30)")
d2 = ROOT.RDataFrame(42).Define("y", "gRandom->Integer(30)")

arr1 = d1.AsNumpy()['x']
# [29  4  8 28  6 14 28 22 16 22 22 19  9 24 15  5 14]
arr2 = d2.AsNumpy()['y']
# [11  6  6  0 10  5 28 17 26 19 14 16  5  8  3  1 19 21 19 21  2 20  3  3 15  6  8  2  3 16  2  8 26  6 12  4 12 20  5 13  1  9]

common_elements = np.intersect1d(arr1, arr2)
# [ 4  5  6  8  9 14 15 16 19 28]
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Hi @jcob ,

  // This is what I want to do. This doesn't work but perhaps it will with a
  // lambda function???
 ws_node = ws_node.Define("in_both","std::binary_search(unique_event_number,common_uevs)");
 rs_node = rs_node.Define("in_both","std::binary_search(unique_event_number,common_uevs)");

Yes it should work with a lambda function that captures common_uevs, e.g. (untested but it should give you the idea):

df.Define("in_both", [&common_uevs](long long int unique_event_number) { return isInVector(unique_event_number, common_events); }, {"unique_event_number"});

Also as @FoxWise suggests you can just use Take instead of manually filling a vector in a Foreach.


@eguiraud Thanks, I forgot about lambda captures. The column definition now works. Kind of unrelated but how would I return a dataframe or something that can be manipulated like a dataframe (RNode or something else)? If I return an RNode, the object that the function returns has no entries.

@FoxWise, thanks for the suggestion. I don’t think this method is too practical for my case since I’m looking at datasets with ~100M events so I think C++ would be more efficient. I will bear this in mind if I need to run some quick comparisons in python.

I’m not sure what you mean. Passing around RNodes is how you pass around RDF objects.

@eguiraud , sorry I figured out that there is another issue.

In my case I have the following C++ function declared:

ROOT::RDF::RNode multiple_candidates(ROOT::RDataFrame ws_df, ROOT::RDataFrame rs_df,std::string return_str="WS"){
    ROOT::RDF::RNode ws_node = ws_df;
    ROOT::RDF::RNode rs_node = rs_df;
    ws_node = ws_node.Define("unique_event_number",[](const unsigned int& rn, const unsigned long long& en) -> unsigned long long {return 10e+9*rn+en;},{"runNumber","eventNumber"});
    rs_node = rs_node.Define("unique_event_number",[](const unsigned int& rn, const unsigned long long& en) -> unsigned long long {return 10e+9*rn+en;},{"runNumber","eventNumber"});
    std::vector<unsigned long long> uevs_ws;
    std::vector<unsigned long long> uevs_rs;

    ws_node.Foreach([&uevs_ws](const unsigned long long& uev){
    }, {"unique_event_number"});
    std::cout << "Length of WS uev vector: " << uevs_ws.size() << std::endl;

    rs_node.Foreach([&uevs_rs](const unsigned long long& uev){
    }, {"unique_event_number"});
    std::cout << "Length of RS uev vector: " << uevs_rs.size() << std::endl;
    //sort the uev vectors
    std::sort(uevs_ws.begin(), uevs_ws.end());
    std::sort(uevs_rs.begin(), uevs_rs.end());
    //find unique event numbers that are in both the RS and WS.
    std::vector<unsigned long long> common_uevs;
    std::set_intersection(uevs_ws.begin(), uevs_ws.end(), uevs_rs.begin(), uevs_rs.end(), std::back_inserter(common_uevs));
    std::cout << "Number of common uevs between RS and WS: " << common_uevs.size() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Testing binary_search" << std::endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < 5;i++){
       std::cout << std::binary_search(common_uevs.begin(),common_uevs.end(),uevs_rs[i]) << std::endl;
    ws_node = ws_node.Define("in_both",[&common_uevs](const unsigned long long& uev) -> bool {return std::binary_search(common_uevs.begin(),common_uevs.end(),uev);},{"unique_event_number"});
    rs_node = rs_node.Define("in_both",[&common_uevs](const unsigned long long& uev) -> bool {return std::binary_search(common_uevs.begin(),common_uevs.end(),uev);},{"unique_event_number"});
    if(return_str == "WS"){
        return ws_node;
    return rs_node;

When I do filter events from one of the returned dataframes, e.g.

test_rs = ROOT.multiple_candidates(data_frame_ws,data_frame_rs,"RS")
print(test_rs .Filter("in_both == 0").Count().GetValue()) # Filters out all events and returns 0
print(test_rs .Filter("in_both == 1").Count().GetValue()) # All events pass cuts and number of entries is equal to original

The above implies that the lambda function returned true for all entries.
However, in the small for loop I have to make sure binary_search returns things correctly, I get false values, so the values returned by the lambda function are clearly wrong.

Am I doing something wrong in the lambda function or is this a known issue with RDataFrame?

No, Filter("in_both == 0/1').Count() is expected to return the number of events for which in_both is equal to 0/1. I’m afraid this needs debugging. For example you can put a std::cout inside the lambda expression you pass to the Define (and or the Filter) to see what it sees.


Adding a print statement to the lambda expression, std::binary_search always returns 1. I added an if statement that fires if std::binary_search returns 1. In the if statement I use std::find to return the index in the vector that it claims to have found. However, this if statement never fired!
Removing this if statement caused a crash when returning the value of the index from std::find.

I think I noticed a problem:

[&common_uevs](const unsigned long long &uev) -> bool {
    return std::binary_search(common_uevs.begin(), common_uevs.end(), uev);

Here you take a reference to common_uevs that will be used by the lambda expression, but the lambda expression will only run when the event loop runs, so after multiple_candidates has returned, so after common_uevs has gone out of scope!

Quickfix: use [common_uevs] instead. Does that help?

Ah this makes sense!
Your fix works perfectly. Thank you so much!

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