Code crashes with glibc error

Hi… I am trying to run the code:


 void y_h3()

   # define n  1
  Int_t irun[] ={902,903,904};
  TFile *f[n];
  TTree *tree[n];
  Double_t epr1, epr2, eclk, ebcm, ebcm_up, eclk_r, etime, etrack, epion1, epion2, et2, en1, ecer, eytar, edelta,eth,ephi;
   for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
    f[i] = new TFile(Form("file.root",irun[i]),"read");
    tree[i] = (TTree*)f[i]->Get("T");
    tree_TS[i] = (TTree*)f[i]->Get("TSLeft");
    tree[i]->SetBranchAddress("L.prl2.e", &epr2);

  for(Int_t i=0; i<n; i++){
    in =tree[i]->GetEntries();
    for(Int_t j=0; j<1000; j++){


The code crashing in the j-loop with the following error:

*** glibc detected *** /u/apps/root/5.34.36/root/bin/root.exe: double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000002907c10 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

What is going wrong with my code?

When I remove:


the code does not crash. But I need to call the values of each entry.



can you check if any of the pointers you are using are null, i.e. the ones stored in the tree C array? Alternatively, could you share one of the rootfiles you are using, i.e. “file.root902”, “file.root903”, “file.root904”?


#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"

void y_h3() {
  const Int_t n = 1;
  Int_t irun[] = {902, 903, 904}; // note: at least [n] values are required
  TFile *f[n] = {0};
  TTree *tree[n] = {0};
  TTree *tree_TS[n] = {0};
  Double_t epr1, epr2, eclk, ebcm, ebcm_up, eclk_r, etime, etrack, epion1, epion2, et2, en1, ecer, eytar, edelta,eth,ephi;
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    f[i] = TFile::Open(Form("file%d.root", irun[i]), "read");
    if ((!f[i]) || f[i]->IsZombie()) { delete f[i]; f[i] = 0; continue; };
    f[i]->GetObject("T", tree[i]);
    f[i]->GetObject("TSLeft", tree_TS[i]);
    if (tree[i]) {
      tree[i]->SetBranchAddress("L.prl1.e", &epr1);
      tree[i]->SetBranchAddress("L.prl2.e", &epr2);
  for(Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (!tree[i]) continue;
    Long64_t in = tree[i]->GetEntries();
    for(Int_t j = 0; j < in; j++) {
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    delete f[i]; // automatically deletes all related trees



I checked, and you are right! one variable was stored as an array. That fixed the problem Thanks.



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