_ROOT Version: v6-33-01 Platform: Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows (WSL) Compiler: gcc/g++ I think…?
I’m attempting to install root as a dependency for a package called musrfit and following the directions as listed at the musrfit page “Setting up musrfit on different platforms” which it doesn’t let me link to as a new user.
I don’t know much Linux and I don’t know exactly what is wrong, but I followed these instructions and got to the point of trying to install the musrfit package and I’ve ran into an error when trying to make the package.
I input
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:74 (find_package):
By not providing "FindROOT.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "ROOT", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "ROOT" (requested
version 6.18) with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "ROOT" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"ROOT_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "ROOT"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
This suggests I’ve done something wrong, and I think maybe it was in my installing of root as I don’t seem to be able to start root itself too, which is why I’m asking here. I’m not sure exactly if there’s a file I can edit to tell it where these config files are, or where that is, or if there’s a setting somewhere while I was building/installing Root that I needed to fix. Any help or instructions on how to request help better would be appreciated. Thank you,
To recap the page I could not link to, it has instructions which read to put in code as:
$ # creat the Apps directory if not already present
$ mkdir Apps
$ cd Apps
$ git clone http://github.com/root-project/root.git
$ cd root
$ git tag -l
$ # git tag -l will list all available tags. In the next command choose the tag v6-22-06
$ # or the latest official release number
$ git checkout -b v6-22-06 v6-22-06
$ # now ROOT is ready to be configured. Below you will find the minimal ROOT configuration needed.
$ # since we are using cmake build now, first we will need to create the build directory.
$ mkdir root_build
$ cd root_build
$ cmake ../ -Dgminimal=1 -Dasimage=1 -Dmathmore=1 -Dxml=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../root_exec
$ # next will be the make called via cmake. If running on a multicore CPU you can speed up tremendously by
$ # calling it with the option -j <number>, where <number> is the number of threads which you want to give,
$ # e.g. cmake --build ./ --clean-first -- -j8
$ cmake --build ./ --clean-first
$ # as a last step of the ROOT build process we need to install it
$ cmake --install ./