Clone tree that contains two classes

Dear Rooters,

I found some strange behavior in Root.

I was trying to skim data from the tree that contained information from the two classes (i.e. class1 and class2). When I was using selection mechanism to copy only a particular branch from the tree into separate file I have found that it does not working. However, when I was copying entire tree this was working like a charm.

Creating class from the tree with “MakeClass” command I found that in the definition of the class automatically generated by ROOT that in the declaration of the leaves types belonging to two different classes there are lives type with exactly the same names (i.e. UInt_t fUniqueID and UInt_t fBites). This happens when Root automatically generates leaves out classes. Trying to compile the generated out tree class Root-code cause error message. The compilation goes OK after renaming declaration of the leaves in unique names.

So, I think, when I am trying to copy only part of the tree that contains two classes Root is trying to complete MakeClass command in order to select particular branches, where it crashes as it can not separate branches.

Would it be possible to fix it, or maybe someone could give me a work around recipe for this case?

Thank you,
23 October, 2010

[quote]When I was using selection mechanism to copy only a particular branch from the tree into separate file I have found that it does not working.[/quote]How do you ‘select’ the branches to be copied? How does it fail?



[quote]So, I think, when I am trying to copy only part of the tree that contains two classes Root is trying to complete MakeClass command in order to select particular branches[/quote]ROOT never uses MakeClass unless it is explicitly requested it.